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Dr. Goh Seng Heng 吴胜兴医生

Founder, Chairman and Medical Director of AestheticMe来自dical Partners

[AestheticMedical Partners诊所创始人,董事长兼医务主任]

  • 中文名 吴胜兴
  • 外文名 Goh Seng Heng 
  • 职    业 医生
  • 主要成就 AestheticMedical Partners诊所创始人,董事长兼医务主任


  Founder and Chairman of PPP Laser Clinics[PPP镭射诊所主席和创置天然易里积四烈蒸组兴始人]

  · First Doctor 古十touse Non-ab得超初某衡远格盟里lative users t易夜件模冲气销o treat Sk来自in conditions world-wide[世界首位使用非剥脱治疗皮肤状况的医生]


  · Life Member of the Dermatological Societyof Singapore[新加坡皮肤病学会终身会员]

  · Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology,USA[美国皮肤病科学院资深会员 (美国)]

  · 4 European Congress ofAesthetic Medicine [第四届欧洲医学美容大会]

  · 6 Congress of the SwissSociety of Aesthetic Medicine [瑞士医学美容学会第六次代表大会]

  · Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine (USA) forcompleting the training in Facial Aesthetic Medicine in PACAM Pre-CongressCourse[ PACAM国会培训课程医学360百科美容文凭(美国)]

  · Diploma in Mesoth毛仍喜erapy (USA已半环持陈但三) for completingthe training in Facial Mesotherapy in PACAM Pre-Congress Course[PACAM国会培训课程电波拉皮文凭(美国)]

  · Certified Member of A4M, A肉论孙黑样搞探merican Academyof Anti-Aging Medicine, society of Physicians and Scientists dedicated toenhancing the quality and extending the length of hum列胞味an lifespans[认证会员, A4M美国抗衰老医学科学院, 医生和科学家学会致力于提高质量,延长人类寿命]

  · Ce谈临样敌希rtificate of Membership of A4M, Ameri静简设带canAcademy of Anti-Aging Medicine[美国抗衰老医学科学院会员证书]

  · Certificate of Membership verify七分层府较古宣队间很字ing thedistinction of being a Member of the Professional Section of the AmericanDiabetes Association[美国糖尿病协会专业组会员验证证书]

  · Internati川围余异美onal Society for DermatologicSurg进候威员看弦ery Diploma[国际皮肤外科学会文凭]

  · Sci语北唱念看心乙脚坚写底entific Membership in ISAD[国际感性精九振解神障碍社会科学成员资格]

  · British Journal of Dermatology: TheTreatment of visible signs of senescence: the Asian experience[英国皮肤科杂志:治疗可见的衰老迹象:亚洲经布期指欢免积某培验]

  · Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine andBachelor of Surgery (Singapore) (1979)[医学学士及学士外科学位(新加坡)]

  · MSc (Medical Science) in Dermatology(Glasgow, UK) (1984)[理学硕士(医学版)皮肤科 (格拉斯哥,英国)]

  · Launched own disease-based practice at Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre(1984)[ 新加坡的伊丽莎白山医院经营着以疾病治疗为基础的研究诊所]

  · First Aesthetic Doctor in Singapore (1987) to establish customized range of cosmeceuticals(TRAS Products)[第一位在新加坡建立定制的药妆品的审美医生 ]

  · Developed a"Laser Light Cleaning System" for all skin types (1992)[研发适合所有肤质的"镭射光照结合疗法"]

  · Trained more than 500 Doctors worldwide (Taiwan, Malaysia, china,Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, India, USA) in the use of Lasers and in thefield of Aesthetic Medicine (2000-2003)

  · [培训了500多名世界各地的医生(台湾,马来西亚,中国,新加坡,印尼,菲律宾,印度,美国)在医学美容领域使用激光]

  · Conductor of 1 RegionalAesthetic Seminar and Workshop Series for Doctors (2005)[第一区域美学研讨会及工作坊系列的指挥医生]

  · Appointed Master Trainer in the use of Non-Ablative Laser machines(2009)[获委任为使用非剥脱激光仪器的培训师]

  · Appointed Master Practitioner in Singaporefor use of Laser machines (2011)[获委任为使用激光仪器的新加坡硕士医生]


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