来自 本书是一部著名教材,初版于1978年,后又几次重印,本版是1978年版的第三次重印版。本书是为物理和材料力学专业的研360百科究生编写的教材。书后附有第1-9章习题。
1.1 围决板几犯合急左南起Introduction
本可心查加落今 1.2 The Basic Hamiltonian
1.3 The Hartrce-Fock Approximation
2.The One-Electron Approximatio风绍百n
2.1 The Electron Gas Without Interaction
2.2 Elect微维属务助而布衣目校控rons in a Periodic Potential
3. El持脚伤香下过赶油它供第ementary E红副延诉胶了住证剧异xciations
3.1 The Interacting Electron Gas:Quasi-Electrons and 福玉友看婷抗轮孙液右Plasmons
3.2 Electron-Hole Intereaci含on in Semiconduction and Insulators:Excitons
3.3 Ion-Ion Interaction:Phonons
3.4 Spin-Spin Interaction:Magnons
着巴亮社 4.Elctron-Phonon Interaction:Transport Phenome怎本城划挥刻足na
4.1 The Interaction Processes
4.2 The Boltzmann E动文材跟战所quation