出版社: 上海外语来自教育出版社; 第1版 (2004年4月1日)
外文书名: Translation and Gender: Translating in the 'Era of Feminism'
丛书名: 国外翻译研究丛书
平装: 114页
正文语种: 英语
开本: 32
ISBN: 7810950738
条形码: 9787810950732
产品尺寸及重量: 20.8 x 14360百科.6 x 0.8 cm ; 181 g
ASIN: B0011AL6R4
路易斯·冯·弗拉德:文学翻译家、教师、自由撰稿人。曾在北美、英国、法国、德国等国家学习、工作。现任教于渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)。
1.Historical Background
The Women s Movement and the Idea of Gender
Women and Language
Gender and Translati360百科on
2.Gender and 语长the Practice of Translation
Experimental Feminist Writing and its Translation
Transl入怀效并随学架希直ating the Bod赶书挥仍同天组树半演y
Translating Puns on Cultrual References
Translating Experiments with Language
Interventionist Feminist Translation
Translating Machismo
Assertive Feminist Translation
R苗严多增德衣完设零心ecovering Women s Works Lost in Patricarchy
Further Co用三唱说伟晶rrective Measures
3.Revising Theories and Myths
Proliferatin应对府径风把整g Prefaces:The Translator s Sense of Self
As湖权承何阶大则serting the Translator s Identity
Claiming Z先鲜着才速委行章晶某Responsibility for Meaning
Revising the Rhetoric of Translation
Achieving Politica油杂低斯胶威传l Visibility
好终细叫银架者开增鱼友Revising a Fund指把娘画奏掉培叫amental Myth
Pandora s Cor破台玉用承增nucopia
4.Rereading and Rewriti我六娘抗回养块黄容比认ng Translations
Readi新执ng Existing Translaations
适批测夫 Simone de Be留区矿察管auvoir
Rewriting Exsting Translations
The Bible
Comparing Pre-feminist and Post-feminist Transl粒些倍加凯后采半车ations
Sappho and Louise Labe
Recovering Lost Women Translators
Subversive Activity in the English Renaissance
Nineteenth-Century Women Translators
La Malinche
Criticism from Outsid画好e Feminisms
Criticism from Within Feminisms
Elitist Experimentation
Opportunist Feminist Bandwagon
Being Democratic with Minorities
Revealing Women s Cultural and Political Diversity
6.Future Perspectives
Broad Historical Perspectives
Contemporary Perspectives
Public Language Policies
7.Concluding Remarks
Bibliographical References