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初油全翻波佟明 ,生于1970年2月14日·1997年毕业于南京林业大学林木遗传育种专业,获博士学位,博士生导师,常务副院长具快业连,研究领域为 分子育种学,遗传学;林木基因识别与克隆;功能基因组学。2003年度获得瑞典国际基金会频发的Jubilee Award,并入选20品过叶作界钱读04年教育部"新世纪优秀人才支援计划",2008年入选""特聘教授,2010年获得江苏省十大青年科技之星称号,2011年获国家杰出青年基金资助。曾获美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室科学技术奖、瑞典国际基金会青年科学奖,担任PLosOne,Forest Research等多个国内外知名来自学术期刊的编委、为国家自然科学基金委员会第十三届生命科学部专家评审组成员、江苏省自然科学基金委员会第五届学科组专家。


  • 中文名称 尹佟明
  • 民族 汉族
  • 出生日期 1970年2月14日
  • 毕业院校 南京林业大学
  • 性别 男


  先后在中科院遗来自传所,中科院植物所,中国水稻所,美国华盛顿大学,美国北卡州立大学和法国国家农业实验站进行客座研究和短期进修。并于1999年入选中方代表团,出席在斯洛文尼亚举行的"首届中-斯生物技术交流大会"。于2000年8月至2001年12月在瑞典农业大学进行了为期一年半的博士后研究,参加瑞典农大和360百科瑞典皇家工学院联合主持团批稳收古即滑京宁裂的林木基因组研究计划。2002年初美国能源部启动预饭置化轻了杨树全基因组的测序计划,本人与该计划总协调振无度节磁人Gerald A. Tuskan先生取得了联系,事频兴美座并获得项目资助,于2002年1月转到美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室,参加杨树全基因组测序计划研究。杨树的全观画基因组测序已于2004年11月份发布完成。在该计划中主要承担了序列的组装工作。


  2009.7至今 教授,博士生导师,南京林业大学

  ·2005. 8-2009.6 R&D staff scientist,美国能源部Oak R委行的没idge National Laboratory;南京林业大学,教授

  · 2002.1-2005.7 博士后, Oak Ridge National Labor车弱识结样句力答沿atory;南京林业大学副教授

裂硫金微训但料其重充  · 2000.8-2001.12 博士后,瑞典农业大学

  · 1997.7-2000.7 讲师,南京林业大学.





  参加工作已来,,已发表论文37篇,其中16篇为SCI收录论文。参与王明庥院士主编的《林木遗传育种》一书的撰写,该书获国家科委优秀科技图书一等奖。文章发表胞乙伟液些析酒容川在Science、Nature、Plant Journal、New Phyt渐伤析宽ologist、Plant Physiology、Genome Research、Heredity、Tree Genetics & Genomes、PloS ONE、遗传、Molecular Breeding等国际国内主流期刊 。

  • Ye, Qiaol好三线in Ye, Ning; Yin略剂创再代建, Tongming : E老裂案万nhanced multi-weight vecto传压r projection support vector ma印门赶含飞chine ,Patter脸间倍战白聚怀飞消n Recogniti川夫所止系on Letters, v 42, n 1, p 91-100, June 1, 2014
  • Neighbors' distribution property and sample reduction for s音满upport vector machines, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING,2014,V16:201-209
  • Bounda玉件形印灯缩图ry detection and sample reduction 煤钟for one-class Support Vector Machines,NEUROCOMPUTING, V123:166-173
  • Muchero, W., M. M. Sewell, et al. (2013). Genome Anchored QTLs for Biomass Productivity in Hybrid Populus Grown under Contrasting Environments. PLoS One 8(1).
  • Li, S., T. Shi, et 府耐降al. (2013). "Meth在清笑群黄征且品究ods for break烧术交液城原千额政ing the dormancy of eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) seeds." Seed Science and Technology 41(1): 27-35.
  • Wan, Z. B., Y. R. Li, et al. (2013). "Melampsora larici-populina, the main rust pathogen, causes loss in biomass production of black cottonwood plantations in the south of China." Phytoparasitica 41(3): 337-344.
  • Liu, J. J., T. M. Yin, et al. (2013). "Transcriptome Analysis of the Differentially Expressed Genes in the Male and Female Shrub Willows (Salix suchowensis)." PLoS One 8(4)
  • Marker-aided selection 1 of polyploid poplars Bioenergy Res,EI SCI 2013
  • Discovey and experimental analysis of microsatellites in an oil woody plant Cameallia chekinagoleosa. Plant Syst Evol,correspondence SCI 2013
  • Identification of quantitative trait loci and candidate genes for cadmium tolerance in Populus TREE PHYSIOLOGY SCI 2012, 32 (5): 626-638
  • The obscure events contributing to the evolution of an incipient sex chromosome in Populus: a retrospective working hypothesis Tree Genetics & Genomes SCI (2012) 8:559–571
  • Genome-wide detection of genetic loci triggering uneven descending of gametes from a natural hybrid pine Tree Genetics & Genomes,通讯 SCI 2012,DOI 10.1007/s11295-012-0524-5
  • 基于Otsu算法的木材缺陷图像分割 计算机与数字工程 2012,276: 116-118
  • 杨树锈菌表达序列微卫星分析及EST-SSR标记开发 东北林业大学学报 2012,40:76-80
  • 油茶基因组微卫星特征分析 南京林业大学学报 2012,36:47-50
  • 环境条件和播后覆土对水杉种子出苗率的影响 中南林业科技大学学报 2012,32:26-30
  • 林木遗传育种基础研究热点述评,林业科学,2012,48:150-154 林业科学 2012,48:150-154
  • 基于改进的Affinity Propagation聚类的木材缺陷识别 工 程 数 学 学 报 2012, 49:600-606
  • Establish the ideal statistical model tracking the Dynamic growth rhythm for progeny in a full-sib family of Salix xuzhouenesis 4th International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology, ISTP 2012,Nanjing China
  • DETECTION AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSES OF MICROSATELLITES IN CODING SEQUENCES OF PINES 4th International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology, ISTP 2012,Nanjing China
  • Yin, T., X. Zhang, et al. (2010). "Differential detection of genetic Loci underlying stem and root lignin content in Populus." PLoS One 5(11): e14021.
  • Li, S., Y. Chen, et al. (2010)."Potential chromosomal introgression barriers revealed by linkage analysis in a hybrid of Pinus massoniana and P. hwangshanensis." BMC Plant Biol 10: 37.
  • Compare gene densities between chromosomes that share large duplicated segments and survey gene coverage by ESTs in polar genome. Genomics and applied biology 通讯作者 2010,29(3)
  • 桉树EST序列中微卫星含量及相关特征分析 植物学报通讯作者 国内 2010,45(3)
  • Characterization of microsatellites in the coding regions of the Populus genome Molecular Breeding通讯作者 SCI DOI: 10.1007/s11032-010-9413-5
  • Bioinformatics-Based Identification of Candidate Genes from QTLs Associated with Cell Wall Traits in Populus Bioenergy Res SCI 2010,DOI 10.1007/s12155-009-9060-z
  • Characteristics of microsatellites in the transcript sequences of the Laccaria bicolor genome Journal of Microbiology and Applied Biotechnology通讯作者 SCI 2010, 20(3)
  • 林木基因组和功能基因克隆研究进展与展望 遗传 国内 2010, 32(7)
  • An Improved Approach for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci in a Pseudo-Testcross: Revisiting a Poplar Mapping Study. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 国外 SCI 2010:4
  • BoxCox转换对数量性状基因座位分析的影响及其应用 南京林业大学学报. 国内 2010,34(3)
  • 黄山松不同生理生化指标随海拔高度变化趋势研究 东北林业大学学报通讯作者 国内 2010,38(6)
  • Microsatellite primers resource developed from the mapped sequence scaffolds of Nisqually-1 genome New Phytologist SCI 2009, 181
  • A microarray-based genotyping and genetic mapping approach for highly heterozygous outcrossing species enables localization of a large fraction of the unassembled Populus trichocarpa genome sequence Plant Journal SCI (2009) 58
  • Detection of quantitative trait loci influencing growth trajectories of adventitious roots in Populus using functional mapping Tree Genetics & Genomes 国外 SCI (2009) 5
  • A genetic linkage map for the ectomycorrhizal fungus New Phytologist 国外 SCI (2008) 180
  • Comparative Analysis of F-Box Proteins in Arabidopsis, Poplar and Rice Suggests Differential Proteolytic Pathway Mediated through F-Box Protein between Woody Perennial and Herbaceous Annual Plants Plant Physiology SCI 2008,148
  • Genome structure and emerging evidence of an incipient sex chromosome in Populus Genome Research SCI 18: 422-430, 2008.
  • A physical map of the highly heterozygous Populus genome: integration with the genome sequence and genetic map Plant Journal SCI 50(6):1063-78, 2007
  • A dense linkage map of hybrid cottonwood (Populus fremontii_P. angustifolia) contributes to long-term ecological research and comparison mapping in a model forest tree Heredity SCI (2008) 100
  • Map and Analysis of Microsatellites in Genome of Populus: the First Sequenced Perennial Plant SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES通讯作者 SCI 50(5), 690-699, 2007
  • 植物细胞壁伸展蛋白研究述评 林业科学,通讯作者 国内 2010,46:144-152
  • The Bioenergy Science Center (BESC) and Overcoming Recalcitrance of Populus to Biofuel Production. IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL 国外 SCI 2010, 46:48 -
  • 杨树微卫星序列对基因表达频率影响及表达序列中微卫星特征分析 南京林业大学学报,通讯 国内 2011,35:11-14
  • 松树、杨树及桉树表达基因序列微卫星比对分析 基因组与应用生物学,通讯作者 国内 2011,30:103-109
  • The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray ex Brayshaw) SCIENCE 国外 SCI 313: 1596-1604, 2006-
  • The genome sequence of the basidiomycete fungus Laccaria bicolor provides insightsinto the mycorrhizal symbiosis Nature SCI 452:88-93, 2008 -
  • Phenotypic variation in growth and biomass distribution for two advanced-generation pedigrees of hybrid poplar(Populus spp.) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH 国外 SCI 35 (8): 1779-1789 AUG,2005
  • Mapping the Rust Resistant Loci MXC3 and MER in P. trichocarpa and Assessing the Intermarker Linkage Disequilibrium in MXC3 Region NEW PHYTOLOGIST 国外 SCI 164 (1): 95-105 OCT 2004
  • Large-scale Heterospecific Segregation Distortion in Populus Revealed by a dense Genetic Map THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 国外 SCI 109 (3): 451-463 AUG 2004
  • Characterization of Microsatellites Revealed by Genomic Sequencing of Populus trichocarpa CAN. J. FOR. RES. SCI 34(1): 85-93 (2004)
  • A likelihood approach for mapping growth trajectories using dominant markers in a phase-unknown full-sib family THEOR APPL GENET 国外 SCI 108 (4): 699-705 FEB2004
  • 马尾松表达序列标签多态性初步分析 林业科学 40(6):176-180. Nov 2004
  • Nearly complete genetic maps of Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine) constructed by AFLP marker analysis in a full-sib family THEOR APPL GENET 国外 SCI 106 (6): 1075-1083 APR 2003
  • 利用分子标记技术对林木近缘种进行遗传鉴别的研究 林业科学 国内 39(3): 130-135, 2003
  • Analysis of genetic structure of natural populations of Castanopsis fargesii by RAPDs ACTA BOT SIN 国内 SCI 44 (11): 1321- 1326 NOV 2002
  • Molecular linkage maps of the Populus genome GENOME 国外 SCI 45 (3): 541-555 JUN 2002
  • Preliminary interspecific genetic maps of the Populus genome constructed from RAPD markers GENOME 国外 SCI 44 (4): 602-609 AUG 2001
  • Host effect on genetic variation of Marssonina brunnea pathogenic to poplars THEOR APPL GENET 国外 SCI 100 (3-4): 614-620 FEB 2000
  • History and progress of the genomics studies in the model system of perennial plant species ACTA PHYTOTAXONOMICA SINICA 国内 SCI 42 (5): 464-479 SEP 2004
  • Quantitative trait loci for growth trajectories in Populus GENET RES 国外 SCI 81 (1): 51-64 FEB 2003
  • A logistic mixture model for characterizing genetic determinants causing differentiation in growth trajectories GENET RES 国外 SCI 79 (3): 235-245 JUN 2002
  • 用SSR研究栲树群体遗传结构 植物学报 国内 SCI 43(4):409-412,2001

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