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  • 中文名称 刚铁
  • 外文名称 Gang Tie
  • 国籍 中国
  • 民族 汉族
  • 毕业院校 哈尔滨工业大学


  1982-1986年 哈尔滨工业大学助教

  1986-1987年 日本大阪大学工学部访问学者

  1987-1991年 哈尔滨工业大学金属材料与工艺系讲师

  1992-1998年 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院副教授

  1998年-现在 哈尔滨工业大来自学材料科学与工程学院教授

  2000-2001年 日本大阪大学接合科学研究所客座教授

  2002-现在 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院教投良治各官素言位茶授/博导

  2002-20360百科08年 焊接国家重点实验室常务副主任/系主任

  2008-2013年 焊接国家重点实验室主任




  • 超声信号处理与智能化缺陷诊断




  • X射线图像的处理与模式识别



  • 超声检360百科测的计算机模拟与仿真




  • 超声耐门商自动扫描检测系统










  北京工业大学汽车结构部件先进制造技术 算机教育部工程研究中心技或杨章刘加观术委员会委员








  1. 刚铁,黄地尚义, 观蒸音操只太数学模型参数的在线修正及最佳焊接工艺参数选择, 焊接学报, 1992, 13(4): 225-230
  2. 刚铁,殷树言, 弧压式脉冲MIG焊焊接电源的微机控制系统的研究 , 哈尔滨我分显亚工业大学学报,, 19雷存载足衣当斤旧94.4
  3. 刚铁,吴林,姜德芝,, 超声缺陷特征的提结减钱氢取与统计分析 , 无损检测,, 19排笔校换于宁何95.17(9):248-251
  4. 刚铁,张九海,, 锅炉集箱管座自动焊接系统, 机器人(专刊), 1997.1:199-202
  5. Gang Tie, Wu Lin,, Evaluation of Echo Features of Ultrasonic Flaws and its Intelligent Pattern Recognition , China Welding,, 1997.2:19-24,
  6. 刚铁,吴林,, 焊接缺陷的超声回波特征分析与模式识别研零史顺我团孔司路粮而究 , 哈尔滨工业大学学推只高报,, 1997,(2)2伯根波单新雨件:15-17,?,
  7. 刚铁,张九海,吴常正,姜伟雁,, 电站锅炉集箱机器人焊接工作站 , 焊接学报, 1998.19(2):83-87
  8. 刚铁,沈春龙,张锦,, 点焊焊点图像的背景校正与自动二值载食氧采预顾很独士滑记化处理 , 焊接学报增刊,, 1997:101-105
  9. 刚铁,沈春龙,, 铝合金焊点熔核尺寸特征的自动提取 , 焊接学报增刊,, 1997:96-100
  10. Gang Tie, Shen Chunlong, Gong Runli, Feature analysis and extraction of inner defects for spot weld nugget of aluminum alloy , Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China,, 1998,8 (3): 485-498
  11. 刚铁,吴林,, 超声检测中的多源信息融合技术与缺陷识别 , 机械工程学报,, 1999, 35(1): 11-14,
  12. 刚铁,吴林,, 焊接缺陷的超声回波信号分析与最佳特征子集的选择 , 应用声学,, 1999.18(2):34-38
  13. 刚铁,, 基于神经网络的智能化超声缺陷模式识别与诊断 , 无损检测, 1999.21(12):529-932
  14. Tie Gang, Jin Zhang, Mingbo Zhang, Fuxing Liu, Background rectification and feature extraction of image in aluminum alloy X-ray detection, ACTA, Metallurgica Sinica, 2000.13(1):75-79
  15. 刚铁,李伟力, 扩散焊接头质量无损检测技术现状, 焊接, 2000.5:6-10
  16. Tie GANG, Xiaodong HAN, Chunlong SHEN, Jin ZHANG,, Background simulation and correction algorithm in spot weld image processing, Journal of MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2001,17(1):169-170
  17. 刚铁,邓卓,徐庆中,, 继电器钎焊触头的超声C扫描检测,, 焊接,, 2001.1:10-12
  18. 刚铁,王东华, X射线检测图象中缺陷的自动提取和分割, 焊接, 2001.5:6-9
  19. 刚铁,王东华, 基于自适应形态学滤波的X射线图像的缺陷提取, 机械工程学报,, 2001.37(5):85-89
  20. Yasuo Takahashi, Tie Gang, Micro-joining process in electronic packaging and its numberical analysis, Trans of JWRI, 2001, 30(1):1-11
  21. T.Gang, Y.Takahashi, and L.Wu, Intelligent pattern recognition and diagnosis of ultrasonic inspection welding defects based on neural network and information fusion, Science Technology of Welding & Joining, 2002,7(5):314-320
  22. 徐丽、刚铁、张明波、郭立伟, 铸件缺陷无损检测方法的研究现状 , 铸造, 2002,51(9):535-541
  23. 刚铁,高桥康夫, 扩散连接接头质量评价现状, 无损检测, 2003.25(8)
  24. 张伟志,刚铁, 超声检测中的计算机模拟与仿真, 应用声学, 2003,22(3)
  25. 王东华、周源华、刚铁、张锦, 基于小波模极大值的点焊缺陷边缘检测, 上海交通大学学报, 2003,37(3)
  26. 刚铁,高桥康夫,张伟志, 超声回波特征值的统计学分析方法, 材料科学工艺, 2003.12
  27. Wang Donghua, Zhou Yuanhua, Gang Tie, Weld defect extraction based on adaptive morphology filtering and edge detection by wavelet analysis, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2003,12(3): 335-339,
  28. Lin Sanbao, Gang Tie, Yang Chunli, Cui Hongbo, An initial study on welding procedure using tendem MIG welding of high strength aluminum alloy , China Welding, , 2004,2,
  29. Gang Tie, Takahashi, Ultrasonic echo signal features of dissimilar material bonding joints, Transaction of Nonferrous Meters Society of China, 2004, 2,
  30. Tie GANG, Weizhi ZHANG and Liwei GUO, Simulation of ultrasonic propagation based on raying , J. Mater. Sci. Technol, 2003,19. December,
  31. 杨春利,刚铁,林三宝,崔洪波, 高强铝合金厚板双丝MIG焊工艺的初步研究, 中国有色金属学报, 2004,14(s1):259-264,
  32. Guo LW, Gang T, Hu X,, Effects of uneven surface on ultrasonic testing results of T-shape joint, PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INSTRUMENTATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2004,1:929-933.
  33. Gang Tie, Xu Yan, Chi Dazhao, Lu Pin,, Ultrasonic TOFD testing for aluminum alloy weld of thick plate, Transaction of Nonferrous Meters Society of China, 2005.4.
  34. 刚铁,徐艳,迟大钊,吕品, 铝合金焊缝超声TOFD检测的信号特征, 焊接学报, 2005.25(8):1-4
  35. 赵新玉,刚铁,袁媛, 薄钢板点焊焊接接头超声信号分析, 焊接学报, 2005,26(11):101-104
  36. 石端虎,刚铁,袁媛, 复杂结构中焊接缺陷的空间分布特征, 焊接学报, 2005,26(11):71-74
  37. 迟大钊,刚铁,袁媛, 面状缺陷超声TOFD法信号和图像特征与识别, 焊接学报, 2005,26(11):1-4
  38. 高双胜,刚铁,王军,郭小罗, 电子束焊缝超声无损检测声场特性及回波特征, 焊接学报, 2006,27(2): 93-96
  39. 刚铁,迟大钊,袁媛, 基于合成孔径聚焦的超声TOFD检测技术及图像增强, 焊接学报, 2006,27(10):7-10
  40. Gang Tie, Shi Duanhu, Yuan Yuan and Yang Shuangyang, Segmentation of small defects in laser weld of titanium alloy with complex structure, Insight, 2006, 48(12):731-734
  41. 刚铁,石端虎,袁媛, 钛合金激光焊件射线检测微小缺陷分布特征[J], 光电子.激光, 2006, 17(11):1372-1376
  42. GANG Tie, SHI Duan-hu, YUAN Yuan, YANG Shuang-yang, Distribution features of small defects in precision weldments of titanium alloy [A], Institute of Physics Pbulishing - Journal of Physics: Conference series [C], 2006, 48: 1341-1345
  43. 郭立伟,刚铁,胡欣, 表面不平度对近表面缺陷的超声检测的影响, 焊接学报, 2006,17(12): 81-84
  44. 栾亦琳,刚铁,闫久春, 铝基复合材料超声波辅助钎焊质量评价, 焊接学报, 27(6):9-12
  45. Duan-hu Shi,Tie Gang, Shuang-yang Yang, Yuan Yuan, Research on segmentation and distribution features of small defects in precision weldments with complex structure [J], NDT&E International, 2007, 40(5): 397-404
  46. Shi Duanhu, Gang Tie, Yuan Yuan, et al., Image Segmentation of Small Defects in Precision Weldments with Complex Structure [J]., China Welding, 2007,16(1) : 52-56
  47. Chi Dazhao, Gang Tie, Gao Shuangsheng,, Background removal and weld defect detection based on energy distribution of image, China Welding, , 2007,16(1)
  48. Gang Tie, Chi Dazhao, Novel approach to enhancement of ultrasonic TOFD B-scan image for measurement of weld crack, STWJ, , 2007,12(1):87-93.
  49. 栾亦琳,刚铁, TiAl/40Cr扩散焊界面质量的超声评价, 焊接学报, 2007,28(5):69-72
  50. 高双胜,刚铁,桂光正,袁媛, 铜钢堆焊接头的超声信号特征及质量评价, 焊接学报, 2007,28(5):101-104
  51. Gao Shuangsheng, Gang Tie and Chi Dazhao, Ultrasonic image restoration based on support vector machine for surfacing interface testing, China Welding, , 2007,16(2):27-30
  52. Luan Yilin and Gang Tie, Evaluation of TiAl and 40Cr diffusion bonding quality using ultrasonic reflection spectrum , China Welding,, 2007, 16(2): 72-76
  53. 盛朝阳、刚铁, 超声TOFD检测成像及缺陷定位系统 , 焊接, 2007,(8):37-40
  54. Xinyu Zhao, Sungjin Song, Hakjoon Kim, Tie Gang, et al., Determination of incident angle and position of optimal mode ultrasonic beam for flaw detection in anisotropic and inhomogeneous weldments by ray tracing , Jour. of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing, 2007,27(3)231-238
  55. 刚铁, 盛朝阳, 超声渡越时差法检测图像中裂纹端部信号的识别, 机械工程学报, 2007,43(10):103-107
  56. 郭立伟,刚铁, T型激光焊接接头近表面微小缺陷的自动超声检测, 无损检测, 2007,29(12):698-700
  57. C. Dazhao, G. Tie, and G. Shuangsheng, Background removal and weld defect detection based on energy distribution of image, Welding research abroad, 2007.12.: 8-12,
  58. 58, Guo Liwei, Gang Tie,, Feasibility of differentiating defect signals of ultrasonic testing for laser weld based on independent component analysis theory, Rare metals [1001-0521],, 2007,26:56 -60
  59. 赵新玉,刚铁,张碧星, 基于平底孔反射体的双晶直探头测量模型, 物理学报, 2008,57(8):5049-5055
  60. 赵新玉,刚铁,张碧星, 非近轴近似多高斯声束模型的相控阵换能器声场计算, 声学学报, 2008,33(5):475-480
  61. Zhao Xinyu, Gang Tie and Zhao Xuemei,, Similation and experiments of ultrasonic propagation in nickel-based alloy weldments, China Welding, 2008, 17(4): 17-22
  62. Xinyu Zhao, Tie Gang, Nonparaxial multi-Gaussian beam models and measurement models for phased array transducers, Ultrasonics, 2009, 49:126-130,
  63. X.M.Zhao, T.Gang, X.Y.Zhao,, Experimental study of nondestructive micro-structural characterization of friction stir welded joints , Material Evaluation, 2009, 67(4): 444-448,
  64. 刚铁,赵雪梅,林三宝等, 搅拌摩擦焊接头抗拉强度无损表征, 焊接学报, 2009, 30(6): 1-4,
  65. Xinyu Zhao · Tie Gang · Chunguang Xu, Prediction of Side-Drilled Hole Signals Captured by a Dual Crystal Contact Probe, J Nondestruct Eval, 2010,(29)3: 105-110,
  66. Chi Dazhao, Gang Tie, Yao Yingxue, Yuan yuan,, Weld crack testing method using ultrasonic TOFD technique, Insight, 2010, 52(4) ,
  67. 石端虎,刚铁,黄传辉等, 双面T形焊件中批量缺陷空间定位数据的自动提取, 焊接学报, 2010,31(4): 69-72,
  68. Chi Dazhao, Gang Tie, Liu Lei and Yuan Yuan, Defect detection in brazed weldment with lattice structure using ultrasonic Lamb wave technique, China Welding, 2010, 19(1): 6-10,
  69. 迟大钊、刚铁, 基于超声波法的紫铜焊接结构缺陷检测, 焊接学报, 2010,31(5):21-24
  70. 李巍,胡恒山,张碧兴,刚铁, 柱面分层流体饱和孔隙地层中的声波测井波场模拟, 声学学报, 2010,35(4):455-464
  71. 高双胜,迟大钊,刚铁, 异种材料连接界面弱信号缺陷的提取与量化, 焊接学报, 2010,31(11):81-84
  72. 盛朝阳, 刚铁, 迟大钊,黄江中, 李宜男, 赵卫君,, 基于USB接口的超声TOFD检测系统及其应用 , 焊接学报, 2011,32(2): 9-12,
  73. 沙正骁,刚铁,赵新玉,, 超声换能器声场的模拟和可视化研究 , 无损检测, 2011
  74. 迟大钊,刚铁,姚英学,袁媛,盛朝阳, 一种基于超声TOFD法的近表面检测模式, 焊接学报, 2011,32(2):25-28
  75. 赵新玉,刚铁,徐春广, 各向异性堆焊结构中超声传播模拟与缺陷回波预测, 机械工程学报, 2011.47(8):21-27,
  76. 盛朝阳,刚铁,迟大钊, 基于分水岭方法的超声TOFD检测图像分割, 机械工程学报, 2011,47(8):35-40,
  77. 盛朝阳,刚铁,黄江中, 基于图像线性化处理的超声TOFD检测缺陷定位方法, 无损检测, 2011,33(7):15-17
  78. Chi Dazhao, Gang Tie, Yao Yingxue, Zhao Libin, Chen Jiayue, A novel technique for improving of ultrasonic TOFD data , China Welding, 2011, 20(2):27-31, EI
  79. 迟大钊,刚铁, 一种基于WMM的超声信号噪声抑制新方法, 焊接学报, 2011,32,(8): 9-12,
  80. 迟大钊,刚铁,高双胜, 超声TOFD法检测信号相位识别技术, 焊接学报, 2011.32(9):17-20,
  81. 胡文刚,刚铁,汪金海, 基于视频定位的焊缝缺陷超声检测技术, 焊接学报, 2011.32(9): 49-52,
  82. Chi Dazhao, Gang Tie, Liu Qiang, Defect detection in brazed weldment with lattice structure using acoustic shadow technique, China Welding,, 2011, 20(3): 63-66,
  83. T Gang, ZY Sheng and WL Tian,, Time resolution improvement of ultrasonic TOFD testing by pulse compression technique, Insight, 2010, 54(4):193-197,
  84. 84, 张国强,刚铁,赵雪梅,孙琼阁, 多层介质复合结构中超声波既利于创波特性的研究, 机械工程学报, 2012,48(8):1-5
  85. 朱荣华,刚铁,铝合金疲劳裂纹扩展声发射监测,焊接学报,2013, 34(3): 29-32
  86. 胡文刚,刚铁,基于超声信号和图像据融合的焊缝缺陷识别,焊接学报,2013, 34(4): 53-56
  87. Ronghua Zhu and Tie Gang, Acoustic emission behavior during damage evolution in rolled Al-Zn-Mg alloy and its weld, Insight, 2013, 55(4):202-206,
  88. Zhu Ronghua, Gang Tie, Analysis of material flow and heat transfer in friction stir welding of aluminium alloys, China Welding, 2013, 22(1):6-10.
  89. 朱荣华,刚铁,万楚豪,基于声发射和双谱分析的铝合金损伤原位检测,材料工程,2013,(5):67-72.
  90. 刚铁,刘强.薄板结构中Lamb波的检测与仿真,无损检测 ,2013,35(7):24-28


  1. 晶闸管弧焊整流电源的设计与调试. 1997. 机械工业出版社
  2. 焊接机电一体化技术. 2001. 机械工业出版社
  3. 无损检测. 2001年. 机械工业出版社

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