兰登书来自屋是德国媒体集团贝塔斯曼(Ber长河的鱼假器模延兵telsmann AG)旗下的一家出迅把落版社,总部设在美国纽约市。书屋于1927年成立,创始人是360百科Bennett Cerf和Donald Klop功每著为虽甲fer,在1998年时为贝塔斯曼收购。
2016年7月19日,亚太未来影视(北京)有限公司(简称"亚太未来",英文名Meridian Entertainment)和FrementleMedia北美(简称FMNA)在中美两地同时宣布结成重要战略合作伙伴,共垂同运营全球第一大断分态每出版集团企鹅兰登沉初品察便写界动营书屋旗下的兰登书屋制片厂。
兰登书屋(Random House, Inc.)号称世界最大的英语商业国际性出版社,是世界超级媒体集团贝塔斯曼(Bertelsman提苏庆村城两挥乎沙n Book Gro侵际先映文up of Bertelsmann AG)的子公司。
兰登书屋建于1925年,当时,贝尼特·塞尔夫和唐纳州银说九被刚语句执文觉德·克洛普夫从Horace Liveright购下了其文学作品重印版号--现代图书馆。沉群信欢密验担杀创远1927年,为扩大其出版范围,开始使用兰登书屋这一出版社商标。 成立后,一直被认为是国际上著名的文学出版商,所出版的图书获得了众多文学奖,验棉外著丝包括诺贝尔奖和普利策奖快全希来屋终菜液等。
兰登书屋(美国)在来自美国的9大出版品牌自成一个出版集团,出版方向各不相同。比如,矮脚鸡出版集团(Bantam Dell Publishing Group)旗下8家出版社,主要出版大众小说;皇冠出版集团(Crown Publishing 360百科Group)旗下9家出版社,主要出版社科类、商务类非小说;双日出版集团(Doubleday Broadway)旗下14家出十村非属到求松培版社,主要出版文化含量积耐胡很高的高端大众小说;克诺夫出版集团(Knopf Publishing Group)旗下6家出版社,主要出版高端文学作品和政要图书;此外,还包括兰登书屋儿童出版集团,兰登书屋信息集团,兰登书屋有声出版集团,以及兰登书屋电影胶片出版集团等。
了自在千议矛 兰登书屋与中国出版界一直保持着紧密合作。2007年10月,兰登书屋和北京出版社开发的《北京2008奥运指南》在法兰克福书展亮相。该书将读者锁定在2008年北京奥运会的外籍旅游观光人员,是以奥运为主题的图书,将在美国和中国以两种不同的版本出版。在内容方面,该书主要利用的是兰登书屋旅游出版社的资源,邀请在北京生眼活过的外国人写关于北京的文化,比如京剧等。该书以实用承劳只硫往模硫制映查析性为主,从旅游者的角度用奥运5色将北京划分为5个区,便于旅游观光者使用。
2012年10月29日,贝塔斯曼与英国的培生集团(Pearson plc)达成一纸协议,兰登书屋将与培生集团旗下的企鹅出版集团合并,共组成新的合资企业(Joint venture)--企鹅兰登书屋(Penguin Random House)。贝塔斯曼将拥有此合资公司53%的股权,培生集团则持股47%,但除此之外贝塔斯曼仍会继续拥有其德国出版贸易业务兰登书屋出版集团(Verlagsgruppe Random House)全部的掌控权,而培生集团仍会以"企鹅"的品牌经营其教育书籍市场。合并后的企鹅兰登书屋预计将拥有全球消费出版市场26%的占有率,此协议在2013年下半、相关国家的金融主管机关核准之后,实际生效。
2016年7月19日,亚太未来影视(北京)有限公司(简称"亚太未来",英文名Meridian Entertainment)和FrementleMedia北美(简称FMNA)在中美两地同时宣布结成重要战略合作伙伴,共同运营全球第一大出版集团企鹅兰登书屋旗下的兰登书屋制片厂。
(Peter Olson)
Random House, Inc. is the world's largest English-language general trade book publisher. It is a division of Bertelsmann AG, one of the foremost media companies in the world.
Random House, Inc. assumed its current form with its acquisition by Bertelsmann in 1998, which brought together the imprints of the former Random House, Inc. with those of the former Bantam Doubleday Dell. Random House, Inc.'s publishing groups include, the Bantam Dell Publishing Group, the Crown Publishing Group, the Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group, the Knopf Publishing Group, the Random House Audio Publishing Group, Random House Children's Books, the Random House Diversified Publishing Group, the Random House Information Group, the Random House Publishing Group, and Random House Ventures.
Together, these groups and their imprints publish fiction and nonfiction, both original and reprints, by some of the foremost and most popular writers of our time. They appear in a full range of formats--including hardcover, trade paperback, mass market paperback, audio, electronic, and digital, for the widest possible readership from adults to young adults and children.
The reach of Random House, Inc. is global, with subsidiaries and affiliated companies in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Through Random House International, the books published by the imprints of Random House, Inc. are sold in virtually every country in the world.
Random House has long been committed to publishing the best literature by writers both in the United States and abroad. In addition to their commercial success, books published by Random House, Inc. have won more major awards than those published by any other company--including the Nobel Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the National Book Critics Circle Award.
The company was founded in l925, when Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer purchased The Modern Library, reprints of classic works of literature, from publisher Horace Liveright. Two years later, in 1927, they decided to broaden their publishing activities, and the Random House colophon made its debut.
Random House first made international news by successfully defending in court the U.S. publication of James Joyce's masterpiece, Ulysses, setting a major legal precedent for freedom of speech. Beginning in the 1930s, the company moved into publishing for children, and over the years has become a leader in the field. Random House entered reference publishing in 1947 with the highly successful American College Dictionary, which was followed in 1966 by the equally successful unabridged Random House Dictionary of the English Language. It continues to publish numerous reference works, including the Random House Webster's College Dictionary.
In 1960, Random House acquired the distinguished American publishing house of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., and, a year later, Pantheon Books, which had been established in New York by European editors to publish works from abroad. Both were assured complete editorial independence--a policy which continues in all parts of the company to this day.
Random House, Inc. was itself acquired in 1965 by the major media corporation, RCA. The publisher's expansion continued with the acquisition in 1973 of Ballantine Books, whose mass market paperback publishing program enabled Random House to reach a much broader and more diverse readership.
In 1980, Random House was acquired by Advance Publications, Inc., a privately held company. There followed a period of significant growth, including the acquisition of the paperback publisher Fawcett Books in 1982; the creation of Villard Books, a new hardcover imprint, in 1983; the acquisition of Times Books from The New York Times Company in 1984; and Fodor's Travel Guides, acquired in 1986.
In 1988, Random House again grew dramatically with the acquisition of the Crown Publishing Group, whose imprints included Crown; Clarkson Potter, Inc.; Harmony Books; and the Outlet Book Company, a major publisher of low-priced books now known as Random House Value Publishing.
Having established Random House of Canada in 1944, Random House significantly expanded its international presence in 1987 to the United Kingdom with the acquisition of the British publishing group, Chatto, Virago, Bodley Head & Jonathan Cape, Ltd. The London operation was further expanded with the acquisition of Century Hutchinson Ltd. in 1989, and the trade division of Reed Books in 1997. Both the Canadian and UK operations grew substantially in 1998 with the acquisition of Random House, Inc. by Bertelsmann AG. Bertelsmann's Doubleday Canada and Bantam Books Canada merged with Random House of Canada, whose imprints also include Random House Canada, Knopf Canada, Vintage Canada, and Ballantine Canada. Transworld UK, Bertelsmann's UK operation, joined Random House UK, with subsidiaries in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
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