爱德华·蒙克(Edvard Munch,1863年12月来自12日-1944年1月23日),挪威表现主义画家、版画复制匠,现代表现主义绘画的先驱。
1863年12月12日,爱德华·蒙克出生于挪威雷登在奥斯陆长大。爱德华·蒙克的父亲患有精神病,他向他的孩子们灌输了对地狱的根深蒂固的恐惧,他一再告诉他们,如果他们在任何情况下、以任何方式犯有罪孽,他们就会注定被投入地狱,没有任何宽恕的机会。18来自79年 ,爱德华·蒙克为成为一名工程师而进工学院念书,受印象主义画风的影响,然而,频繁的患病中断了他的学业。
1892年 爱德华·蒙克应邀参加柏林艺术家联盟在11月份举行的画展。爱德华·蒙克的绘画成了苦涩的争论对象,画展在一星期后结束。在柏林,爱德华·蒙克成了一个国际圈子里的一员,约巴沙盐补检良女与里面有作家、艺术家和评论家,包括挪威剧作家亨利·易卜生和瑞典戏剧家奥古斯特·史特林堡。爱德华·蒙克为易卜生的几个剧本设计了布景。
1893年12月,爱德华·蒙克在柏林著名的菩提树下大街开画展。和其它作品一起,爱德华·蒙克出展了题为"爱的研究系列",由六幅画所组成。这是他此后命名为"生命的饰带 以 生命、爱情和死亡的诗"组画的起点。它包括深深地沉浸于大气的主题《风暴》《月光》和《星夜》。其它主题有揭示爱的阴暗面的,比如《玫瑰与阿美决则制渐修题向围急莉》和《吸血鬼》。《病室里的死亡》则以主八末护怀表图死亡为主题,基于爱德华·蒙克对姐姐苏菲之死的回忆。
题便目静往构 在当时哲学和美学思潮学运影响下,他努力发掘来自人类心灵中的各种状况,表现疾病、死亡、绝望、情爱等主题。因此,他的创作有"心灵守必求况主月孩货善钢的现实主义"的称号。由于受到保守势力的攻击,很快被封闭,但对德国青年画家以很大的刺激,推动了表现主义运动的产生。
作品名 | 年份 |
Øvr础e Foss | 1880 |
Small Lake with Boat | 深依死格却良全河1880 |
Horse and Wagon in front of Farm Buildings | 1880 |
Autumn Work in the Field | 1880 |
Landscape with Woman Walking by a Lake | 1880 |
Landscape with Trees and Water | 1880 |
Autumn in the Fore被载才育握负境来st | 1880 |
Horse and Ca菜考练艺青式故经迅rt on a Country Road | 1880 |
合湖女思今妈诗古罗因 Still Life with Pipe and Bibles | 1880 |
View from Fossveien | 判想律留晚转击其迫保跳 1880-81 |
View from Fossveien | 1881 |
心鲜获切市前具指 Winter Landscape with House and Red Sky | 1881 |
Potted Plant on the Window-Sill | 1881-82 |
Potted Plant | 1881-82 |
The Living-Room of the Misses Munch in Pilestredet 61 | 1881 |
From Vestre Aker | 1881 |
Haklo地袁师径尼免毛a in Maridale掌美n | 1881 |
Maridalsveien in Ny限质推口盾轻罪副云令致dalen | 1881 |
Houses in Marid愿鲁处洲应钱坚alen | 1881 |
From Mar级胜升般脱却代idalen | 1881 |
Akerselva | 1881 |
Landscape with Woman and Child | 1881 |
Landscape with a Small House and Two People | 1881 |
Landscape with Lake and Forest | 1881 |
From Bunnefjorden | 1881 |
From Sandvika | 1881 |
Man Rowing towards Land | 1881 |
Bay with Boat and House | 1881 |
Man and Woman in Boat | 1881 |
Fisherman by the Water | 1881 |
Christian Munch on the Couch | 1881 |
Christian Munch on the Couch | 1881 |
Study of a Landscape | 1881 |
View of Grüner's Garden | 1881 |
Gamle Aker Church | 1881-82 |
Gamle Aker Church | 1881 |
Gamle Aker Church | 1881 |
Gamle Aker Church | 1881 |
View from Fossveien 7 towards Bergfjerdingen | 1881 |
People on the Road in Wet Snow | 1881 |
Goblin with Christmas Porridge | 1881 |
Still Life with Jar, Apple, Walnut and Coconut | 1881 |
Øvre Foss in Winter | 1881-82 |
Boy in Snow | 1881-82 |
View of the City on a Winter's Day | 1882 |
Self-Portrait | 1882 |
Laura Munch | 1882 |
Laura Munch | 1882 |
Olaf Rye's Square towards South East | 1882 |
View across Olaf Rye's Square | 1882 |
Olaf Rye's Square towards South East | 1882 |
Landscape with Waterfall and House | 1882 |
Evening Atmosphere at Sea | 1882 |
Landscape with a Small Waterfall | 1882 |
Spring Landscape | 1882 |
Stream in Spring | 1882 |
Karen Bjølstad | 1882-83 |
Man's Head with Beard | 1882-83 |
The Errand Boy | 1882-84 |
Garden with Red House | 1882 |
Garden with Red House | 1882 |
By the Garden Table | 1882 |
Akerselva by Slåmotgangen | 1882 |
Inger by the Window | 1882 |
Akerselva by Nedre Foss | 1882 |
Akerselva | 1882 |
Birch Trees with Woman Walking | 1882 |
Birch Trees in the Autumn | 1882 |
From Vestre Aker | 1882 |
Birch Trees and Man Carrying Twigs | 1882 |
Autumn in Vestre Aker | 1882 |
Woman on a Country Lane | 1882 |
Two Boys on a Country Lane | 1882 |
Thorvald Torgersen | 1882 |
Thorvald Torgersen | 1882 |
Head of a Boy | 1882 |
Andreas Reading | 1882 |
Andreas Reading | 1882 |
Andreas Reading | 1882 |
Self-Portrait | 1882 |
Drive at Vaterland | 1882 |
From Saxegårdsgate | 1882 |
Laura Munch | 1883 |
Otto Linthoe | 1883 |
Study of a Man's Head | 1883 |
Study of an Old Man's Head | 1883 |
Head of an Old Man with Beard | 1883 |
Study of an Old Man's Head | 1883 |
Afternoon at Olaf Rye's Square | 1883 |
Street Corner on Karl Johan, Grand Café | 1883 |
Christian Munch on the Couch | 1883 |
Landscape from Asker | 1883 |
Autumn in Asker | 1883 |
Andreas by the Window | 1883 |
Andreas Reading | 1883 |
The Dome of Trinity Church | 1883 |
Study of a Head | 1883 |
Early in the Morning | 1883 |
Andreas Singdahlsen | 1883 |
Hjalmar Borgstrøm | 1883 |
Portrait of a Woman | 1883 |
Karen Bjølstad in the Rocking Chair | 1883 |
Around the Paraffin Lamp | 1883 |
At the Coffee Table | 1883 |
At Supper | 1883 |
The Infirmary at Helgelandsmoen | 1884 |
Fence in the Forest | 1884 |
Two People on the Way to the Forest | 1884 |
Morning | 1884 |
Christian Munch | 1884 |
Portrait Studies | 1884 |
Inger Munch in Black | 1884 |
Street in Winter | 1885 |
Ball | 1885 |
Tête-à-tête | 1885 |
Karl Johan | 1885 |
Girl's Head | 1885 |
Dagny Konow | 1885 |
Study of an Old Man's Head | 1885 |
Fredrik Lidemark | 1885 |
Karl Jensen-Hjell | 1885 |
Klemens Stang | 1885 |
Christian Munch with Pipe | 1885 |
Karen Bjølstad | 1885 |
Jørgen Sørensen | 1885 |
Andreas Munch | 1885 |
Cabaret | 1885 |
The Sickroom | 1885 |
The Sick Child | 1885 |
Red-Haired Girl with White Rat | 1886 |
Girl at the Piano | 1886 |
Self-Portrait | 1886 |
Andreas Munch Studying Anatomy | 1886 |
Afternoon Nap | 1886 |
Boat with Three Boys | 1886 |
Man on the Veranda | 1886 |
From Hisøya near Arendal | 1886 |
Woman and Children in Arendal | 1886 |
Thorvald Torgersen | 1886 |
Puberty | 1886 |
The Day After | 1886 |
Seated Young Girl | 1887 |
Betzy Nilsen | 1887 |
Halvard Stub Holmboe | 1887 |
Jacob Torkildsen | 1887 |
Forest Landscape with Small Lake | 1887 |
Veierland near Tønsberg | 1887 |
Two Men by the Window | 1887 |
Law | 1887 |
Kristiania Bohemians | 1887 |
Self-Portrait | 1888 |
Marius Selmer | 1888 |
Bendix Lange | 1888 |
Beach | 1888 |
The Tønsberg Fjord | 1888 |
On the Pier | 1888 |
Man Binding Fishnet | 1888 |
Karen Bjølstad | 1888 |
Evening | 1888 |
Summer Day on the Pier | 1888 |
Laura and Inger in the Summer Sun | 1888 |
Evening | 1888 |
Inger in Sunshine | 1888 |
At the General Store in Vrengen | 1888 |
Andreas Bjølstad | 1888 |
Aasta Carlsen | 1888 |
Man Standing in the Doorway | 1889 |
Karl Dørnberger | 1889 |
Charlotte Dørnberger | 1889 |
Georg Stang | 1889 |
John Hazeland on his Deathbed | 1889 |
Spring | 1889 |
Hans Jæger | 1889 |
From Karl Johan | 1889 |
Music on Karl Johan | 1889 |
Beach Landscape fromÅsgårdstrand | 1889 |
Beach | 1889 |
From Åsgårdstrand | 1889 |
Beach Landscape | 1889 |
Shore | 1889 |
Summer Night. Inger on the Beach | 1889 |
Summer Evening | 1889 |
Summer | 1889 |
Summer in Åsgårdstrand | 1889 |
Morten Damme's House near Åsgardstrand | 1889 |
Standing Female Nude | 1889 |
A French Tavern (Two Men and a Woman) | 1890 |
The Canal near Paris (with a Small Streamboat) | 1890 |
A Woman (in Half-figure) with Landscape (Returned from Victoria terrasse) | 1890 |
A Small Beach Study | 1890 |
Night in Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
The Seine at Saint-Cloud | 1890 |
At the Wine Merchant's | 1890 |
In the Bar | 1890 |
In the Café | 1890 |
Norwegian Spring Landscape | 1890 |
Landscape | 1890 |
The Streamboat Arrives | 1890 |
Beach | 1890 |
Spring Day on Karl Johan | 1890 |
Sunny Day in Åsgårdstrand | 1890 |
Garden Path | 1890 |
Woman in Evening Landscape | 1890 |
Landscape | 1890 |
View from Hauketo | 1890 |
View from Hauketo | 1890 |
Landscape | 1890 |
The Absinth Drinkers | 1890 |
Two Children | 1890 |
Under the Palm Trees in Nice | 1891 |
Afternoon on the Promenade des Anglais | 1891 |
Morning on the Promenade des Anglais | 1891 |
Sunny Day in Nice | 1891 |
Rooftops in Nice | 1891 |
Night in Nice | 1891 |
Fisherboy from Nice | 1891 |
Boy's Head | 1891 |
Young Woman in Blue | 1891 |
Young Woman in Blue | 1891 |
Model Scratching her Arm | 1891 |
Rue Lafayette | 1891 |
Rue de Rivoli | 1891 |
Sunday in Åsgardstrand | 1891 |
Young Blond Girl | 1891 |
Summer Evening in Åsgardstrand | 1891 |
In Open Air | 1891 |
Summer | 1891 |
Eroticism on a Summer Evening | 1891 |
Karl Johan in the Rain | 1891 |
Evening. Melancholy | 1891 |
Woman in Blue against Blue Water | 1891 |
Old Fisherman | 1891 |
Pine Forest | 1891 |
Summer Day in the Forest | 1891 |
Forest Landscape | 1891 |
From Nordstrand | 1891 |
Landscape in Moonlight | 1891 |
Woman by the Balustrade | 1891 |
Inger in a White Blouse | 1891 |
no:Jappe Nilssen | 1891 |
Arve Arvesen | 1891 |
Gunnar Heiberg | 1891 |
Helge Rode | 1891 |
Olga Buhre | 1891 |
Alexandra Thaulow | 1891 |
Kiss by the Window | 1891 |
The Day After | 1891 |
Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway | 1892 |
Childhood Memory | 1892 |
Gamblers in Monte Carlo | 1892 |
Gamblers in Monte Carlo | 1892 |
At the Roulette Table in Monte Carlo | 1892 |
Sick Mood at Sunset. Despair | 1892 |
Cypress in Moonlight | 1892 |
Kiss by the Window | 1892 |
The Kiss | 1892 |
The Girl by the Window | 1892 |
Woman Combing her Hair | 1892 |
Woman Looking in the Mirror | 1892 |
After the Bath | 1892 |
From the Riviera | 1892 |
From the Riviera | 1892 |
Moonlight by the Mediterranean | 1892 |
A Pine | 1892 |
Trees by the Mediterranean | 1892 |
From the Riviera | 1892 |
Men Flocking round Women in Light Clothing | 1892 |
Forest | 1892 |
Moonlight on the Beach | 1892 |
Mystery on the Shore | 1892 |
Mystery on the Shore | 1892 |
Two Human Beings. The Lonely Ones | 1892 |
Melancholy | 1892 |
Night in Saint-Cloud | 1892 |
Night in Saint-Cloud | 1892-93 |
Night in Saint-Cloud | 1892 |
Vision | 1892 |
The Water Lillies | 1892-93 |
Evening on Karl Johan | 1892 |
From Nordstrand | 1892 |
On the Veranda | 1892 |
Inger by the Window | 1892 |
Inger in Black and Violet | 1892 |
Seated Young Woman | 1892 |
Autumn Rain | 1892 |
Jakob Bratland | 1892 |
Ludvig Meyer | 1892 |
Thor Lütken | 1892 |
Ragnhild andDagny Juel | 1892-93 |
August Strindberg | 1892 |
Night in Saint-Cloud | 1893 |
The Girl by the Window | 1893 |
Study of a Model | 1893 |
Separation | 1893 |
Woman with Red Hat | 1893-94 |
Symbolic Study | 1893-94 |
Portrait of a Man | 1893-94 |
Woman's head against a red Background | 1893-94 |
Self-Portrait under the Mask of a Woman | 1893 |
Seated Nude and Grotesque Masque | 1893 |
Sunrise in the Harbour | 1893-94 |
Rosa and Amelie | 1893 |
Sunrise in Åsgårdstrand | 1893-94 |
Summer Night | 1893 |
Melancholy | 1893 |
Death at the Helm | 1893 |
Summer Night. Mermaid | 1893 |
Summer Night's Dream. The Voice | 1893 |
Starry Night | 1893 |
Starry Night | 1893 |
Moonlight | 1893 |
House in Moonlight | 1893-95 |
The Storm | 1893 |
Death and Spring | 1893 |
The Angel of Death | 1893 |
By the Deathbed. Fever | 1893 |
Death in the Sickroom | 1893 |
Death in the Sickroom | 1893 |
Death in the Sickroom | 1893 |
Vampire | 1893 |
The Scream | 1893 |
The Scream | 1893 |
Vampire | 1893 |
Vampire | 1893 |
The Hands | 1893-94 |
Dagny Juel Przybyszewska | 1893 |
Helge Bäckström | 1893 |
Minchen Torkildsen | 1893 |
Ragnhild Bäkström | 1894 |
Botho Graf Schwerin | 1894 |
Ebehard von Bodenhausen | 1894 |
Julius Meier-Graefe | 1894 |
Separation | 1894 |
Death and Life | 1894 |
Puberty | 1894 |
Puberty | 1894-95 |
The Day After | 1894 |
Vampire | 1894 |
Selma Fontheim | 1894 |
Selma Fontheim | 1894 |
Nora Mengelberg | 1894 |
Ludvig Meyer's Children | 1894 |
Stanislaw Przybyszewski | 1894 |
Inger in a Red Dress | 1894 |
Bathing Women | 1894 |
Bathers | 1894 |
Bathing Boys | 1894 |
Melancholy | 1894 |
Melancholy | 1894-96 |
Woman. Sphinx | 1894 |
Woman | 1894 |
Anxiety | 1894 |
Despair | 1894 |
Madonna | 1894 |
Madonna | 1894-95 |
Madonna | 1895 |
Madonna | 1895-97 |
Madonna | 1895-97 |
Berlin Model | 1895 |
Cabaret | 1895 |
The Scream | 1895 |
Vampire | 1895 |
The Smell of Death | 1895 |
The Smell of Death | 1895 |
At the Deathbed | 1895 |
Vampire | 1895 |
Ashes | 1895 |
Jealousy | 1895 |
Beach in Åsgårdstrand | 1895 |
Moonlight | 1895 |
Self-Portrait with Cigarette | 1895 |
Stanislaw Przybyszewski | 1895 |
Oscar and Ingeborg Heiberg | 1895-96 |
Half-Nude in a Black Skirt | 1896 |
Study of a Nude | 1896 |
Young Woman Washing herself | 1896 |
Seated Nude against a Red Background | 1896 |
Seated Nude with her Back Turned | 1896 |
The Mermaid | 1896 |
Summer Landscape | 1896 |
The Sick Child | 1896 |
Separation | 1896 |
Summer Night. The Voice | 1896 |
The Girl by the Window | 1896-97 |
Bathing Woman | 1896-97 |
The Kiss | 1896-97 |
Women in a Swimming Pool | 1896-97 |
Paul Herrmann and Paul Contard | 1897 |
The Kiss | 1897 |
The Kiss | 1897 |
Inheritance | 1897-99 |
Women in Hospital | 1897 |
Mother and Daughter | 1897-99 |
Two Women in a Landscape | 1897-99 |
Old Man with a Beard | 1897-99 |
Brothel Scene | 1897-99 |
Hospital Ward | 1897-99 |
Bathing Boys | 1897-98 |
Bathing Boys | 1897-99 |
Bathing Girls | 1897-99 |
Bathing Children | 1897-99 |
Bathing Boys | 1897-99 |
Autumn | 1897-98 |
Marie Helene Holmboe | 1898 |
Female Portrait | 1898-99 |
Dark-Haired Man and Red-Haired Woman | 1898-99 |
Holger Drachmann | 1898 |
Henrik Ibsenat theGrand Café | 1898 |
Study of a Model | 1898 |
Half-Nude in a Blue Skirt | 1898 |
Nude | 1898 |
Nude | 1898 |
Two Women. Symbolic Study | 1898 |
Sitting Nude by the Beach | 1898 |
Man and Woman | 1898 |
Nude in Profile towards the Right | 1898 |
Metabolism | 1898-99 |
Tulla Larsen | 1898-99 |
Tulla Larsen | 1898-99 |
Father and Son | 1898 |
Seated Nude and Three Male Heads | 1898-99 |
Tragedy | 1898 |
Jealousy in the Bath | 1898 |
Beach | 1898 |
The Rainbow | 1898 |
Woman by the Sea in Åsgardstrand | 1898 |
House with Red Virginia Creeper | 1898-99 |
House with Red Virginia Creeper | 1898-99 |
Red Virginia Creeper | 1898-1900 |
The Son | 1904 |
The Coffin is Carried Out | 1898-1900 |
Boulevard in Paris | 1898-1900 |
Winter | 1899-1900 |
Winter in the Woods, Nordstrand | 1899 |
Death and the Child | 1899 |
Death and the Child | 1899 |
Landscape | 1899 |
The Garden | 1899 |
Munch's House and Studio in Åsgardstrand | 1899 |
Munch's House in Åsgårdstrand | 1899 |
Dark Spruce Forest | 1899 |