埃德温杂呀续·鲍特(Edwin S来自. Porter),男,1870年4月21日360百科出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州康奈尔斯维尔。导演、摄影师、制间响功念械青片、编剧。主要作品《基督浓山恩仇记》《不朽原日除衣路父士最的城市》等。
中文名: 埃德温·S.鲍特
性别: 男
逝世日期洋格待补搞屋哪图持名:1941-4-30 (美国,纽约州,纽约城)
职业: 导演 / 摄影 / 制片 / 编剧
更多外文名:Edwin Stratton Porter (本名) / Ed (昵称)
Lydia Gilmore (1915)
来自 Jim the Penman (1915)
Zaza (1915)
When We Were Twenty-One (1915)
The Eternal City (1915)
Niobe (1915)
The Crucible (1914)
A Good Little Devil (1914)
Such a Litt护善消讨注款等le Queen (1914360百科)
Tess of the Storm Coun武方她可够子溶个室门阻try (1914)
Hearts Adrift (1914)
The Prisoner of Zenda (1913)
In the Bishop's Carriage (1913)
The Count of Monte Cristo (1913)
His Neighbor's Wife (1913)
The Price of Victory (1911)
The Strike at the Mines (1911)
Madeline's R粒板很触航片饭ebellion (1911)
The Heart of a Clown (1909)
Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight? (1909)
The Boston Tea Party (1908)
The 'Teddy' Bears (1907)
Jack the Kisser (1907)
一个醉鬼的白日梦 (1906)
Three American Beauties (1906)
How the Office Boy Saw the Ball Game (1906)
圣诞夜 (1905)
Coney Island at Night (1905著独信足基既)
The Whole Dam Fam叫级害已货诉告帮ily and the Dam Dog (1905)
The Kleptoma相同减汉孩久短句niac (1905)
The Seven A航厚迫才银措财良ges (1905)
The Little Train Robbery (1905)
后免曲氢基音效 The Burglar's Slide For Life (1905)
The Miller's Daughter (1905)
Dog Factory (1904)
How a French Nobleman G纪低ot a Wife Through t商河云每资费风己he 'New York Herald' Personal Columns (1904)
The Ex-Convict (1904)
Maniac Chase (1904)
European rest cure (1904)
Western Stage Coach 行Hold Up (1904握站素轻源束与它)
A rube couple at a county fair (1904)
火车大劫案 (1903)
要跟编王补留严括始What Happened in the Tunnel (1903)
美国救火员的生活 (1903)
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1903)
Rube and Mandy at Coney Island (1903)
Rube and Fender (1903)
Su场皇安值夜bub Surprises the Burglar (乡至能银白决危适1903)
The Unappreciat千两纸夜ed Joke (1903)
New York City 'Ghetto' Fish Market (1903)
邮递员的罗曼史 (1903调三胡行精命型钱科技)
New York Cit慢谈看氧尔群础搞时调祖y Dumping Wharf (1903)
The Extra Turn (1903)
The Messenger Boy's Mistake (1903)
快乐的鞋店售货员 (1903)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1902)
Fun in a Bakery Shop (1902)
Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show (1902)
Burlesque Suicide, No. 2 (1902)
Appointment by Telephone (1902)
How They Do Things on the Bowery (1902)
Circular panorama of Electric Tower (1901)
Panorama of esplanade by night (1901)
The Artist's Dilemma (1901)
The Martyred Presidents (1901)
Laura Comstock's Bag-Punching Dog (1901)
Love by the Light of the Moon (1901)
The Old Maid Having Her Picture Taken (1901)
Kansas Saloon Smashers (1901)
What Happened on Twenty-third Street, New York City (1901)
Trapeze Disrobing Act (1901)
Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King (1901)
Sampson-Schley controversy (1901)
Execution of Czolgosz, with Panorama of Auburn Prison (1901)
Faust and Marguerite (1900)
Uncle Josh in a Spooky Hotel (1900)
The Mystic Swing (1900)
Uncle Josh's Nightmar (1900)
The Cavalier's Dream (1898)
A Good Little Devil (1914)
Tess of the Storm Country (1914)
Hearts Adrift (1914)
The Count of Monte Cristo (1913)
The Heart of a Rose (1910)
虎口余生 (1908)
The Boston Tea Party (1908)
The 'Teddy' Bears (1907)
Three American Beauties (1906)
How the Office Boy Saw the Ball Game (1906)
The Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog (1905)
The Kleptomaniac (1905)
The Little Train Robbery (1905)
Dog Factory (1904)
The Ex-Convict (1904)
Buster Brown and the Dude (1904)
Buster and Tige Put a Balloon Vendor Out of Business (1904)
Buster's Dog to the Rescue (1904)
Buster Makes Room for His Mama at the Bargain Counter (1904)
European rest cure (1904)
Railroad Smashup (1904)
A rube couple at a county fair (1904)
火车大劫案 (1903)
What Happened in the Tunnel (1903)
美国救火员的生活 (1903)
Uncle Tom's Cabin (1903)
Rube and Mandy at Coney Island (1903)
Subub Surprises the Burglar (1903)
The Unappreciated Joke (1903)
邮递员的罗曼史 (1903)
Baby Class at Lunch (1903)
The Extra Turn (1903)
The Messenger Boy's Mistake (1903)
快乐的鞋店售货员 (1903)
Sorting refuse at incinerating plant, New York City (1903)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1902)
Fun in a Bakery Shop (1902)
Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show (1902)
The Twentieth Century Tramp; or, Happy Hooligan and His Airship (1902)
Burlesque Suicide, No. 2 (1902)
Appointment by Telephone (1902)
Esquimaux leap-frog (1901)
Circular panorama of Electric Tower (1901)
Panorama of esplanade by night (1901)
The Artist's Dilemma (1901)
The Martyred Presidents (1901)
Panoramic view of Electric Tower from a balloon (1901)
What Happened on Twenty-third Street, New York City (1901)
Pie, Tramp and the Bulldog (1901)
Trapeze Disrobing Act (1901)
The Tramp's Dream (1901)
Pan-American Exposition by Night (1901)
Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King (1901)
Sampson-Schley controversy (1901)
Esquimaux Game of Snap-the-Whip (1901)
Execution of Czolgosz, with Panorama of Auburn Prison (1901)
Uncle Josh's Nightmar (1900)
Sunshine Sue (1910)
In Life's Cycle (1910)
European rest cure (1904)
A rube couple at a county fair (1904)
美国救火员的生活 (1903)
Burlesque Suicide, No. 2 (1902)
The Great Train Robbery (2004)
The Crucible (1914)
火车大劫案 (1903)
美国救火员的生活 (1903)