安恩宝以 "天然、均衡、安全"为理来自念,与新西兰联科U360百科nitech合作进行全面科学营养配比,形成3A全营养回护系统,给矛宝宝全面均衡的营养元素。
Anenpro baby formula milk powder, 100% New Zealand production, the original import original cans for Chinese babies and inf孔溶们功油升ants to provide the most comprehensive and balanced nutrition and healthy growth of protection.
来自 安恩宝营养品车空有限公司在中国是一家专做新西兰、澳洲原装进口健康产品的营养品公司,安恩宝集健康营养食品的研发、生产、销售、服务于一体。公司以高品质的产品,优质的服务赢得客户的信任和消费者的赞誉,受到合作伙伴的高度认可!
Anenpro nutrition Co., LTD in China is a New Zealand, Australia is the original import health p矛光如货做信位高由roduct nutrient of the company, Anenpro set healthy nutrition food research and development, productio360百科n, sales and service as a whole. The high quality p织若体述帮调roducts and qu象买车ality service to win customer trust and reputation from the customers, by partners highly recognized!
换李半歌变传尔极案 给宝宝的健康加一份安心。
Give the baby's health and a peace of mind来自.
Anenpro is headquartered i抓丝裂六是财n Australia, anenpro baby formula m适延志误她装裂端杨同ilk powder 100% produced in the world recognized the most high quality milk source sites -- new z积六就当突林修费ealand. New Zeal河式策赶若绿制错刑文and natural condition is superior, moderate sunlight, water clear no pollution, the air moist oxygen, make 图毛次并似excellent natural pasture for our. We her气井都行始件愿挥bage seed cultivation, production a论雷鲁甚nd processing, gras听白s mix, and 汉艺科概then to field management, formed a set of scientific management mode. Our cow breeding using advanced data management systems, all cows details including varieties, weight, growth, feed intake, milk yield and milk composition were file management, and according to the cow pregnancy and milk physiological conditions, formulate scientific and reasonable feed formula, to provide comprehensive nutrition supply, science for the cows, so as to improve milk quality and milk yield, provides the high quality, stable supply of anenpro products.
As the world's largest exporter of dairy products, New Zealand has high-end dairy products production enterprise, has a worldwide reputation. Anenpro baby formula milk powder using sophisticated international milk powder manufacturing technology, including nitrogen replacement technology and millirod embedding technology, to make all kinds of add nutrients to oxidation, to maximize the value of nutrition of milk powder and freshness, and so Anenpro milk powder won the state quality inspection department for three years of the period, and usually the infant of food only two years warranty.
Anenpro baby formula milk powder and development team to China of the baby food structure of researching, special attention to mother worry baby fat-soluble vitamins high amounts, excessive calcium, easy to constipation, excessive weight and A series of problems, combined with the baby's daily diet, reasonable add important nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin A, DHA, nucleotide, low gather fructose, make comprehensive balanced formula milk powder, and the nutrient elements not excess. For the baby provided the best basic nutrition, to the healthy growth of the baby added a guarantee.
Among developed countries of the world in New Zealand, have very strict and perfect dairy products inspection and quarantine system. All export products must pass the experiment center of dairy products designated by the state of the tough test, can obtain the state administration of dairy authentication, and obtaining access to the country of origin of the New Zealand sign. So the New Zealand produced, is the guarantee of high quality. And Anenpro for its products also implement strict quality control measures, especially for raw materials in the milk antibiotic residue, etc, the overall meticulous testing, product from the raw material, production to the packaging products, need to be approved by more than 150 inspection. In order to guarantee the quality of the product to the greatest extent, Anenpro baby formula milk powder was sent to Australia's more by national laboratory with the third party inspection certification, so as to ensure that the quality of the each a can of milk powder, really do to the healthy growth of the baby with a peace of mind.
孩子身心健康是所有父母的心愿,安恩宝妈妈会所独创的会员尊贵服务,在专家指导下为妈妈提供顾问式育儿咨询,对宝宝生长发育每一个阶段的指标进行全程跟踪服务,让宝宝的体格、智能、情商都得到全方面的发展 。
The child health of body and mind is all parents wish, Anenpro mother club member of the original distinguished service, in under the guidance of experts for mother to provide consulting type parenting advice, to the baby growth each phase of the indicators for follow-up service, let the baby's physical, intelligent, emotional quotient are all aspects of the development of。
Anenpro milkin New Zealandplant productionprocessstrictquality control,to meet internationalsafety standards andnutritional standardsthrough thenationalauthoritative department inspection,determine the productquality and safety standards,exported tochina!Via Hongkong,Zhuhaiinto theChinesecustomsexamine again,qualified,safety andachieve international,Chinaa variety ofstandards,issued the"people's Republic of ChinaEntry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine"report,inChineselisted!Basicis to achieve"tankinspection,strict"!