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  • 中文名 戴宪华
  • 出生日期 1964年11月
  • 毕业院校 东南大学
  • 学位/学历 博士
  • 专业方向 信号与信息处理



  东南大学信号与信息处理专业, 工学硕士;

  东南大学信号与信息处理专业, 工学博士;

 错跳丝通迅食 华南理工大学通信与信息系统专业,博士后;





  无线移动通信; 异构网络的资源管理与调度; 生物信息处理; 非线性信号处理


  1. 广东省自然科学基金重大基础研究培育, 《下一代千兆 NG-DSL 通信系统关键技术研究》 ,时间 2015,1-2018,12,100 万,在研,主持;

制动云施报衡  2. 广州市科技计划项来自目,《异构无线网络的360百科资源管理与调度》,项目编号:20143500042050472民胜世粉举干,2014.01-2015.12,8万,主持;

  3. 国家自然科学基金项目《细胞命运控制统计模型建模与机理分析》,项目批准号:61174163,时间:2012,1-2015,12。主持;

  4. 国家自然科学基金项目《基于隐藏导频的感知无线电时变信道估计与 长超前预测》 ,项目批准号:6077源坐会点宗读从学往2132;起止时间:2008,1-2009,12。主持;

  5. 国家自然科学基金项目《基于信息几何的真核生物基因表达与东立系统调控的新理论新方法研》 ,项目批准号:6047受将宪未长念事4075;起止时间:20假等还送答灯乱章运巴05,1-2005,12。主持;

  6. 国家自然科学基金项目《线性时变系统盲辨识与长超前预测理论研究及应用》 ,项目批准号:60272068;起止时间:2003,1-2005,12。主持;

  7. 国家自然科学基金项目《非线性自适应信号处理新理论新方法的研究》 ,项目批准号:698720转逐把住晚息离车止21;起止时间:1999,1-2001,12。主持;


  9.教育部科学技术研情孩联缺养岩你留延究重点项目《基于盲信号处理的现代通信理论与技术研究》, 2002,1-2004,12。主持;




宁资  [1] Analysis of global gene expressi个言住别等深验误争on profiles suggests a role of acute inflammation in type 3C diabetes mellitus caused by pancreatic duct景乎务烧引脱客帝买获台al adenocarcinoma[J]. Diabetologia, 2015, 58(4): 835-844. [SCI]期刊论文

  [2] Neighboring g旧妈enes show interchromosomal colocalization af尔析东演队ter their separation[J]. Molecular biology and evolution, 2014: msu065.[SCI] 期刊论部料研方茶影移

  [3] The pattern and evolution of looped gene bendability[J]. Molecular biology and evolution, 2013: mst188. [SCI]期刊论文

  [4] Nuclear colocalization of transcription factor target genes strengthens coregulation in yeast[J]. Nucleic acids research, 2012, 40(1): 27-36.[SCI] 期刊论文

  [5] Gene expression divergence is coupled to evolution of DNA structure in coding regions[J]. PLoS Comput Biol, 2011, 7(11): e1002275. [SCI] 期刊论文

  [6] Genome-wide DNA sequence polymorphisms facilitate nucleosome positioning in yeast[J]. Bioinformatics, 2011, 27(13): 1758-1764. [SCI] 期刊论文

  [7] Antisense transcription is coupled to nucleosome occupancy in sense promoters[J]. Bioinformatics, 2012, 28(21): 2719-2723.[SCI] 期刊论文

  [8] Gene expression of OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and MYC (OSKM) induced pluripotent stem cells: identification for potential mechanisms[J].Diagnostic pathology, 2015, 10(1): 35.[SCI]期刊论文

  [9] Genome-scale meta-analysis of DNA methylation during progression of lung adenocarcinoma[J].Genetics and molecular research: GMR, 2014, 14(3): 9200-9214. [SCI]期刊论文

  [10]The determinations of nucleosome positioning[J].European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 2015, 19(14): 2651-2665. [SCI]期刊论文

  [11] BGDB: a database of bivalent genes[J]. Database, 2013, 2013: bat057. [SCI]期刊论文

  [12]Genome-wide analysis of transcription factor binding sites and their characteristic DNA structures[J]. BMC genomics, 2015, 16(Suppl 3): S8. [SCI]期刊论文

  [13] A De Novo Genome Assembly Algorithm for Repeats and Nonrepeats[J]. BioMed research international, 2014, 2014.[SCI] 期刊论文

  [14] New insights into two distinct nucleosome distributions: comparison of cross-platform positioning datasets in the yeast genome[J]. BMC genomics, 2010, 11(1): 33.[SCI]期刊论文

  [15] Genome-wide analysis of the effect of histone modifications on the coexpression of neighboring genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae[J]. BMC genomics, 2010, 11(1): 550.[SCI]期刊论文

  [16] Identifying the combinatorial effects of histone modifications by association rule mining in yeast[J]. Evolutionary bioinformatics online, 2010, 6: 113.[SCI]期刊论文

  [17]Doubly selective channel estimation for OFDM modulated amplify-and-forward relay networks using superimposed training[J]. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012, 2012(1): 1-13. [SCI]期刊论文

  [18] A Complete and Accurate Ab Initio Repeat Finding Algorithm[J]. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2015: 1-9.[SCI]期刊论文

  [19] Gene expression profiling of somatic and pluripotent cells reveals novel pathways involved in reprogramming[J]. Genetics and molecular research: GMR, 2014, 14(4): 12085-12092.[SCI]期刊论文

  [20] A simulation model for nucleosome distribution in the yeast genome based on integrated cross-platform positioning datasets[J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2010, 52(11): 1932-1939. [SCI]期刊论文

  [21] Adaptive Access Mechanism with Optimal Contention Window Based on Node Number Estimation Using Multiple Thresholds,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,2012,11(6):2046-2055[SCI]期刊论文

  [22]"Linearly time-varying channel estimation and training power allocation for MIMOOFDM systems using superimposed training," SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, will appear. [SCI]期刊论文

  [23] "Superimposed Training for MIMO/OFDM Systems in Linearly Time-Variant Wireless Channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 58, No. 2, Feb. 2010, pp.681-693. [SCI, EI] 期刊论文

  [24] A sensitive and accurate copy number variation detection method,,2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Engineering(EEME2014), 2014/2/22-2014/2/23, ShenZhen, China,2014。 [SCI] 期刊论文

  [25] Time-varying channel estimation and detection for MIMO/OFDM systems using superimposed training,Chinese Journal of Electronics,2010,19(CJE-3):507-514。期刊论文

  [26] 基于多门限估计节点个数的自适应退避算法,电子学报,2012,40(6):1108-1114。期刊论文

  [27] 一种新的OFDM采样频偏盲估计算法,移动通信,2014,22(22):70-76。期刊论文

  [28] Packet Scheduling Algorithm in MAC of Smart Antenna System,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,263-266(6):1076-1080。期刊论文

  [29] A Novel Delay Model for IEEE 802.11,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,263-266(6):1032-1036。期刊论文

  [30] 基因结构变异检测方法综述,现代生物医学进展,2012,12(18):3577-3588。期刊论文

  [31] 基于非均匀采样的信号频率、幅值和相位检测,系统工程与电子技术,2012,34(4):662-665。 期刊论文

  [32] 衰老癌症基因稳定性与干细胞肿瘤特性,现代生物医学进展,2012,12(12):2391-2396。期刊论文

  [33] A Novel Backoff Algorithm and the Performance Analysis Based on Exponential Distribution,Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering,2012,, LNEE 127(1):213-218。 期刊论文

  [34] 基于自相关周期估计的EMD端点延拓方法,数据采集与处理,2010,25(6):712-715。期刊论文

  [35] 基因组装算法:调研,Hans Journal of Computational Biology,2013,3(2):7-14。SCI 期刊论文

  [36] 基于信号延拓的采样信号频谱泄漏抑制,仪器仪表学报,2010,31(3):536-540。期刊论文

  [37] 基因结构变异检测方法综述,现代生物医学进展,2012,12(18):3577-3580。期刊论文

  [38] 一种基于粒子滤波修正的信道预测方法,200910040461.0,已授权

  [39] 一种HSDPA系统的快速分组调度方法,200910039707.2,公开日期:2010年2月17日。

  [40] 一种基于CQI预测的自适应调制编码方法,200910040717.8,已授权

  [41] 一种混合自动请求重发的方法,200810028777.3,公开日期:2008年10月22日。

  [42] WCDMA下行信道参数估计方法,200910038703.2,已授权

  [43] 高速移动3G-HSDPA通信系统自适应资源分配方法,200910040117.1,公开日期:2009年11月18日。

  [44] 一种超低功耗待机控制装置 ,201020200898.4,公开日期:2010年11月24日。

  [45] 基于数据分块的多模终端中多天线协同工作方法,201210296072.6,公开日期:2012年11月28日。

  [46] 一种基于校正OFDM子载波的准无损压缩方法,中国,201410169186.3。(公开号:CN103944853 A)

  [47] 一种基于高载波数OFDM符号定时同步的方法,中国,201410240196.1。(公开号:CN103986683 A)

  [48] 一种有色噪声背景下基于导频的OFDM信道估计方法,中国,201410201823.0。(公开号:CN103957175 A)

  [49] 高载波数OFDM采样频率快速同步方法,中国,201410217150.8。(公开号:CN104052707 A)

  [50] 一种高载波数高调制水平OFDM采样频偏盲估计方法,中国,2015103550760。(公开号:CN105187333 A)

  [51] 一种基于NG-DSL系统的采样频偏补偿方法,中国,2015103507347。(公开号:CN105072071 A)

  [52] 组切换中基于业务类型的预排序PSO网络选择方法,中国,2015103661208。(公开号:CN105163358 A)

  [53] 一种基于宽带OFDM系统频变多普勒频移的估计方法,中国,2015104058627。(公开号:CN105119852 A)

  [54]一种多径信道中的超奈奎斯特速率通信系统,中国,2015104044041。(公开号:CN105099968 A)


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