Mo来自ther Shipton was bo你问rn Ursula Sontheil in 1488 in a cave beside the river N360百科idd in North Yorkshire, E华守抗喜ngland. Close by was an ancient well with supposeded mystical powers.
希普顿修女本改茶争年紧京西名Ursul增南导白保降输五训a Sontheil,院历双独久磁跟于1488年出生在英格兰北约克郡Nidd河边的一个山洞里面。接近一个据说具有神奇力量的古井旁边门规两巴。The Famous P钟项望溶京一etrifying Well(著伯源急肥析既史名的石化井,据说可以把物体都变成石头)
The woman who came to tend to her 15 years old mother, Agatha, spoke of a smell of sulphur and a great crack of thunder 来自as the child came into the world. The b360百科aby was born mishapen and huge. Some 最齐波六反械重神thought her father was the devil. Her mother gave her up at age two and supposedly went to live in a convent for the rest of her life.
Mother Shipton exhibited prophetic and psychic 毫读是调原难abilities from an early age. Many feared her and her powers mystical powers, w换握hich she al在优操赵延助防效给满占ways used to help people.
She wrote h酒煤则状在零案食吸推er prophecies 部号迅输苏宪历获千讲注about events to come in the form of poems.
She lived in the time of Henry VIII of England predict那乙富知势波ed his victory over France in 1513 --"Battle of the Spurs". She prophesized the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Th风把年is led to the r世见就edistribution of the wealth and land held by the monasteries 心导征宣搞to the emerging middle class and the existing noble famil念ies.
At 24 she married Toby Shipton, a carpenter. They 李义注孙had no children. She eventually became known as Mother Shipton a woman helped many people.
Her home 款却矿四担town was in Knaresborough England. Her 青据此吃孙似跳写跑批power to see into the future made her well known not only in her home town but throughout England.
Her legend was passed on through oral traditions sometimes embellished a bit. Since 1641 there have been more than 50 different editions of books about her and her propheices.
Many of her visions came true within her own lifetime and in subsequent centuries.
Mother Shipton predicted important historical events many years ahead of their time - the Great Fire of London in 1666, the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 - as well as the advent of modern technology. She even forecast her own death in 1561. Today her prophecies are still proving uncannily accurate.
希普顿修女预言了许多重要的历史事件,1666年的伦敦大火,1588年击败西班牙舰队 - 以及现代的先进科技。她甚至预见到1561年她自己的死亡。今天她的预言仍然非常惊异的准确。
She wrote her prophecies like poems.
She died in 1561.