李光来自兴,历任华中科技大学化学化工学院副院长,物理化学与工360百科业催化研究所所长。湖秋投北省材料化学与服役失效重点实验室副主任。有机功能分子合成与应用教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员。国务院特殊津贴有突出贡献中青年专家,中国化学会均相催化学术委员会委员,顾问;第10届全国均相催化学术会组织委员会主席,中国化学会湖北省化学化工委员会理事、催化专业委员会顾问,科技部及湖北省多项科技成果评审专家。"天然气化工" "工业催化" "湖北化工"期妈道染素刊编委。
李光兴就苗观蛋孔供又析草义次,男,1951年元月,教授,博导 ,现任华中科技大学化学化工学院 物理化学与工业催化研究所所长。
1972.3-1975.9 厦门大学化学系催化专业 大学
1979.2-1988.8 湖北省最渐化学研究所催化室 助理研究员
1988.8-1990.5 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学化学系 访问学者
1990.5-1993.5 湖北省化学研究所催化室 助理研究员
1993.7-1999.12 华中科技大学化学系物化室主任 副教授
2000-2002 华中科技大学化学系物化室主任 教授
来自 2002-2003 华中科技大学化学系物化室主任 教授,博导
2003-2008 华中科技大学化学与化工系副主任,教授,博导
2009- 华中科大化学化工学院物化催化研究所所长
例乎飞地宣假 材料化学与服役失效湖北省重点实验室副主任
Appl. Catal.,J. Mol. Catal.,Catal. Commun.等国际期刊特约审稿人
化学学报,高校化学学报,无机化学学报,催化学报 等期刊特约审稿人
⒈Homogeneous Catalysis and Heterogeneous Catalysis
⒉Coordination Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry
⒊Coal/ C1 chemistry and Chemical Engineering
⒋Energy Chemistry and Chemical Technology
⒌Catalytic conversion of bioma着门冷常损略计terials to chemicals
Recent Publications:
[1] Jia亮则把但nglin Hu,Y屋anlong Gu,Zhenhong Guan,Jinjin Li,Wanling Mo,Tao Li,and Guangxing Li,An efficien里罗跟助经广这万南士t palladium catalyst system for oxidativ来自e carbonylation of gly360百科cerol to glyc预察erol carbonat重清手绝养德e,ChemSusChem,2011,4,1767-1772
[2] Rongxian Bai,Shu Wang,Fuming Mei叶境木世,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,Synthesis of glycerol carbonat胞委体指起挥e from glycerol and dimethyl carbonate catalyzed by KF modified hydroxyapatite,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,2011,17,777-781
[3] Youming Ni,Aiming Sun,Xiao烧底满永约初ling Wu,Jiangl感答减文兰in Hu,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,Aromatization of metha上江简持夜际红宽述价nol over La/Zn/HZSM-5 catalysts,Chinese Journ衣最老危东弦量伤行穿威al of Chemical 从宽叶率令希味Engineering,2011,19,439–445固显逐绝.
[4] Jinjin Li,Jianglin Hu,Guangx争设消善贵赶ing Li,Au(Ⅲ)/N-containing ligand complex: A novel and efficient catalyst in carbonylation of alkyl nitrite,Catalysis Communications,2011,12,1401–1404.
[5] Youming Ni,Aiming Sun,Xiaoling Wu,Guoliang Hai,Jianglin Hu,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,Facile synthesis of hierarchical nanocrystalline ZSM-5 zeolite under mild conditions and its catalytic performance,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2011,361,521–526.
[6] Youming Ni,Aiming Sun,Xiaoling Wu,Guoliang Hai,Jianglin Hu,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,Preparation of hierarchical mesoporous Zn/HZSM-5 catalyst and its application in MTG reaction,Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry,2011,20,237–242.
[7] Youming Ni,Aiming Sun,Xiaoling Wu,Guoliang Hai,Jianglin Hu,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,The preparation of nano-sized H[Zn,Al]ZSM-5 zeolite and its application in the aromatization of methanol,Microporous Mesoporous Materials,2011,143 (2-3),pg. 435–442
[8] Jinjin Li,Jianglin Hu,Yanlong Gu,Fuming Mei,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,Catalytic activities and properties of Au(Ⅲ)/Schiff-base complexes in methanol oxidative carbonylation,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical,2011,340,53–59.
[9] Dajian Zhu,Fuming Mei,Lijuan Chen,Wanling Mo,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,An efficient catalyst Co(salophen) for synthesis of diethyl carbonate by oxidative carbonylation of ethanol,Fuel,2011,90,2098–2102.
[1] Fuming Mei,Lijuan Chen,Guangxing Li,A study on the heterobinuclear site of Co(salen)/TiO2–SiO2 catalysts in the oxidative carbonylation of aniline,Applied Organometallic Chemistry,2010,24,86–91.
[2] Jianglin Hu,Jinjin Li,Yanlong Gu,Zhenhong Guan,Wanling Mo,Youming Ni,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,Oxidative carbonylation of glycerol to glycerol carbonate catalyzed by PdCl2(phen)/KI,Applied Catalysis A: General,2010,386,188–193.
[3] Huajun Wang,Guangxing Li,Kinetic study on the synthesis of ethyl nitrite by the reaction of C2H5OH,O2,and NO in a trickle bed reactor,Chemical Engineering Journal,2010,163,422–428.
[4] Youming Ni,Weiye Peng,Aiming Sun,Wanling Mo,Jianglin Hu,Tao Li,Guangxing Li,High selective and stable performance of catalytic aromatization of alcohols and ethers over La/Zn/HZSM-5 catalysts,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,2010,16,503–505.
[5] WanlingMo,HuiXiong,Jianglin Hu,Youming Ni,Guangxing Li,The influence of halogen anions and N-ligands in CuXn/N-ligands on the catalytic performance in oxidative carbonylation of methanol,Applied Organometallic Chemistry,2010,24,576-580.
[1] Hui Xiong,Wanling Mo,Jianglin Hu,Rongxian Bai,Guangxing Li. CuCl/phen/NMI in homogeneous carbonylation for synthesis of diethyl carbonate: highly active catalyst and corrosion inhibitor. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,2009,48,10845–10849.
[2] Dajian Zhu,Fuming Mei,Lijuan Chen,Tao Li,Wanling Mo,Guangxing Li. Synthesis of dimethyl carbonate by oxidative carbonylation using an efficient and recyclable catalyst co-schiff base/zeolite. Energy & Fuels,2009,23,2359–2363.
[3] Fei He,Peng Li,Yanlong Gu,Guangxing Li. Glycerol as a green and promoting medium for electrophilic activation of aldehydes: catalyst-free synthesis of di(indolyl)methanes,xanthene- 1,8(2H)-diones and 1-oxo-hexahydroxanthenes. Green Chem.,2009,11,1767–1773.
[4] Yanlong Gu,Guangxing Li. Ionic liquids-based catalysis with solids: state of the art. Adv. Synth. Catal.,2009,351,817–847.
[5] Shu Wang,Rongxian Bai,Fuming Mei,Guangxing Li. Pyroaurite as an active,reusable and environmentally benign catalyst in synthesis of diphenyl carbonate by transesterification. Catal. Commun.,2009,11,202–205.
[6] Li-Juan Chen,Fu-Ming Mei,Guang-Xing Li. Co(Ⅱ) Schiff base complexes on silica by sol–gel method as heterogeneous catalysts for oxidative carbonylation of aniline. Catal. Commun.,2009,10,981–985.
[7] F. M. Mei,E. X. Chen,G. X. Li. The effective and recoverable homogeneous catalysts for the transesterification of dimethyl carbonate with ethanol: lanthanide triflates. Kinet. Catal.,2009,50⑸,666–670.
[8] Fuming Mei,Exiang Chen,Guangxing Li. Lanthanum nitrate as an efficient and recoverable homogeneous catalyst for the transesterification of dimethyl carbonate with ethanol. React. Kinet. Catal. Lett.,2009,96⑴,27−33.
[1] Guangxing Li; Lijuan Chen; Tao Li; Fuming Mei,A recoverable catalyst Co(salen) in zeolite Y for the synthesis of methyl N-phenylcarbamate by oxidative carbonylation of aniline Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 2008,346,134–139.
[2] Chen Lijuan,Li Guangxing. et al.,Oxidative carbonylation of aniline to DPU catalyzed by cobalt(Ⅱ)–Schiff base /pyridine catalytic system. Catal. Commun. 2008,9,658–663.
[3] Fuming Mei,Exiang Chen,Guangxing Li,Mg-Al-O-t-Bu hydrotalcite as an efficient catalyst for the transesterification of dimethyl carbonate with ethanol. React. Kinet. Catal. Lett,2008,93⑴,101–108.
[1] Wanling Mo,Guangxing Li. et al,Preparation of CuCl/1,10- phenanthroline immobilized on poly-styrene and catalytic performance in oxidative carbonylation of methanol. Appl. Catal. A: Gen.,2007,333,172–176.
[2] Lin Li,GuangXing Li et al,Studies on the copolymerization of norbornene with CO catalyzed by a new catalytic system PdCl2/phen/M(CF3SO3)n,Kinet. Catal.,2007,48 ⑴,51–58.
[3] Guozhi Fan,Guangxing Li,et al,Palladium Complexes Anchored on Silica Modified by 1,2-Diamino-cyclohexane: Preparation and Catalytic Application. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.,2007,267,34–40.
[4] Zheng Wang,Shenglin Jiang,Guangxing Li,Mingpeng Xi and Tao Li,Synthesis and characterization of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 nanopowders by citric acid gel method,Ceram. Int.,2007,33,1105–1109.
[1] Tao Li,Zheng Wang,Guangxing Li,Synthesis and characterization of Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 nanopowders by sol-gel method. J. Huzhong Uni. Sci. Tech.,2006,34,4–6.
[2] Guozhi Fan,Guang-xing Li. Oxidative Carbonylation of Phenol to Diphenyl Carbonate Catalyzed by Palladium Complexes Bridged with N,N-ligands over Functionalized Silica. Appl. Organometal. Chem.,2006,20,656–662.
[3] Wanling Mo,Guangxing Li,et al,The catalytic performance and corrosion inhibition of CuCl/Schiff base system in homogeneous oxidative carbonylation of methanol. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.,2006,247,227–232.
[4] Guozhi Fan,Guangxing Li,PdCl2/O-MCM-41 Catalyst for Oxidative Carbonylation of Phenol to Diphenyl Carbonate. Chin. J. Inorg. Chem.,2006,22⑼: 1701–1705.
[1] Guozhi Fan,Guangxing Li,PdCl2/Organic-inorganic Hybrid Catalyst for Oxidative Carbonylation of Phenol to Diphenyl Carbonate,Chin. J. Catal.,2005,26⑻: 625–627.
[2] Lin Li,Guangxing Li. A new catalytic system for copolymerization of styrene with CO: PdCl2/ bipy/ M(CF3SO3)n,J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.,2005,229,39–46.
[3] Lin Li,Guangxing Li,A new catalytic system for the copolymerization of dicyclopentadiene with CO:PdCl2/phen/ M(CF3SO3)n,Eur. Poly. J.,2005,41,1613–1622.
[4] WANG Shu,YU QinQin,LI,GuangXing,Study on the Catalytic Activity,Life Time and Deactivation of Hydrotalcite-like Catalysts in Transesterification,Acta Chimica Sinica,2005,63⒄: 1575–1580.
[5] YU QinQin,WANG Shu,LI Guang-Xing,Study on the transesterification of dimethyl carbonate and phenol catalyzed by Zn/Al hydrotalcite,Chem. J. Chin. Uni.,2005,26⑻: 1502–1506.
[6] ZHU Kangling,LI Meiqing,LI Guangxing,The Cocatalytic Effects of K2CO3 on the Double Carbonylation of Benzyl Chloride,Chin. J. Catal.,2005,26⑺: 563–566.
[7] Liu Haitao,Mo Wanling,Li Guangxing,Steric and electronic influences of N-donor ligands for catalytic activity in oxidative carbonylation of methanol,Chin. J. Appl. Chem.,2005,22⑼: 997–1001.
[1] Mei Fuming Pei Zhi and LI Guangxing,The Transesterification of Dimethyl Carbonate with Phenol over Mg-Al- hydrotalcite Catalyst,Org. Pro. Res. Dev.,2004,8,372–375.
[2] Mei Fuming Pei Zhi and LI Guangxing,The Transesterification of Dimethyl Carbonate with Phenol over hydrotalcite Catalyst. Chin. J. Appl. Chem.,2004,21⑺: 702–707.
[3] Wanling Mo,Guangxing Li,et al,CuCl/1,10-phenanthroline/N-methyl-imidazole for the oxidative carbonylation of ethanol to methyl ethyl carbonate,Chin. J. Catal.,2004,25⑶: 243–246.