李晓卿:著名天体物理学家, 研究员, 博士生导师。1963年毕业于南京大学天文系;之后在中国科学院紫金山天文台长期从事理论研究。1997年5月调南京师范大学物理系任教。曾任紫金山天来自文台理论室主任、南京师范大学物科院物理研究所所长360百科、江苏省天文学会理事、国际天文学会矿斯成员。在天体自生磁场、磁重联理论、宇宙天体非线性结构、天体物理吸积盘以及加速辐射和隐身飞行体等五个领域研究中,独树一帜并取得了一些重要成果。论著颇丰:出版了三部专著《湍动等离子体物理》 、《等离激元坍塌动力学》 、《相对论性调制相互作用和非线性坍塌》及一部译著《等离子体天体物理》; 在国内外核心刊物上发表了近百篇研究论文,其中在国际核心刊物(SCI)上发表论皮移总急延践义文有75余篇。曾获江们块苏省重大科技奖(1979年)、国家教育部科技进步二香加配歌等奖(1999年)、江苏省优秀研究生岁究决社远当指导教师(1996年)及中国科学院彭荫刚优秀博士研究生导师(2001年)等奖项。1992年起措教脚待留概治享受国务院特殊津贴。2003年至今,在全国进行了多次学术报告和科普报告,尤其在南昌大学前湖之风论坛的多次报告殖承断额卷雨兴,激发了众多大学生对物理科学的兴趣。
天体物理学家, 研究员, 博士生导师。南昌大学特约教授。1939年1月生于江西南昌。1963年毕业于南京大学天文系; 之后在中科院紫金山天文台长期从事理论研究。曾任紫台理论研究室主任来自、南师大物理系理论360百科教研室主任、南师大物科院物理研究所所长等。1986年赴美国阿拉巴马大学访问一年。在天体自生磁场、磁重联理论、宇宙天体非线性结构、天体物理吸积盘以及加速辐射和隐形飞行体等五个领域临世现苏重少试受仍铁研究中,独树一帜并取得了一些开创性的重要成果。论著颇丰:出版了三部专著 《湍动等离子体物理》、《等离激元坍塌动力学》、《相对论性调制相互作用和非线性坍塌》及一部译著"等离子体天体物理"(合译); 在国内外核心刊物上发表了近百篇研究论文,其中在国责操赶际核心刊物(SCI)上发表论文近75篇。曾主持国家基金委面上资助项目三项、参加国家基金委重点资助项目一项、是两届国家攀登计划研究组成员,等。曾获江苏省重大科技奖(1979年)、国家教育部科技进步二等奖(1999年)、江苏省优秀研究生指导教师(1996年)及中科院彭荫著刚优秀(博士)研究生导师(2001年)等奖项。1992年起享受国务院特殊津贴。
1. TURBULENT PLASMA PHYSICS, Monograph(Chinese book), Press of Beijing Normal University, 1987; X.Q.Li。
2. COLLAPSING DYNAMICS OF PLASMONS (-small sc视信放即便良ale processes in Universe), Monograph(Chinese book), Press of China Science & Technology , Beijing, 2004; X.Q.Li。
3. " Plasma Astrophysics " (Chinese bo她陈如上杀打守阳微ok),Translated from Plasma Astrophysics (Pergamon Press,1973),Science Pre居落亚面苏处ss,1982; Zhang Z.D., X.Q.Li。
4. 相对论性调制相互作用及日判粉此兰劳势持德春鸡非线性坍塌, 北京:讲中国科学技术出版社, 2012, 李晓卿、刘三秋.
II. SCI 收录文章
1. Integral of 测体密难她艺西重Poisson's equation forfinite thickness disks and effects of density wa究展城然印纪互呀ves,Scie井吗装ntiaSinica.22(乱必1979)No.8,925-责933;Peng,X.Q.LI,et al.
2. Nonsteady interaction of plasma withbodies moving in space ,Ast供粒都酒担能rophys. Sp营妒水乙父花也果范ace Sci.153(1989)311-326;X.Q.L胶上事I
3. Dynam永草o mechanism for 阳厚州激凯脚turbulent waves incelestial bodies,Astrophys. Space Sci.76(1981)13-21;X.Q.LI,Song G.X.
4. Coupling equations for flow-wave fieldsand its use to faculae heating,Solar Physics75(1982)83-98;X.Q.LI,Song M.T.
5. A heating model for the transition zoneand inner corona,Solar Physics 91(1984)289-297;X.Q.LI,Z.D.Zhang
6. Radiation and energy loss by monopolein cosmic plasma,Astrophys.Space Sci. 123(1986)125-135;X.Q.LI
7. Double layer in strong turbulent plasma,Astrophys.Space Sci. 112(1985) 13-24;X.Q.LI
8. The radiation features of the movingcharges and the effects suppressed by the cosmic plasmas in pulsar and othercelestial bodies,Astrophys.Space Sci. 146(1988)41-51;X.Q.LI,Li Z.Y.
9. Nonlinear structures of self-gravitatingsystem,A&A,227(1990)317-323;X.Q.LI 10. Alfven wave-driving mechanism oflate-type stellar wind,Astrophys.Space Sci. 167(1990)1-11;Zheng Y.,X.Q.LI
11. Turbulent scattering of high-frequencyradiation in accretion disks,A&A,225(1989)555-558;X.Q.LI
12. Large-scale pancake structures in theuniverse,Chinese Phys. Lett.9(1992)277;X.Q.LI , Li L.H.
13. Three-wave interactions in strongLangmuir turbulence,Phys.Fluids B 5(10)(1993) 3819;L.H.Li ,X.Q.LI
14. Circular radiation by monopole aroundnetron stars,Astrophys.Space Sci. 199(1993)105;S.J.Ma,Q.L.Yang andX.Q.LI
15. Self-generated magnetic fields bytransverse plasmons in celestial bodies,A&A,270(1993)534;X.Q.LI, Ma Y.H.
16. Analysis of loop interaction in thevisible emission corona,Adv. Space Res. 14(4)(1994)41;Z.D.Zhang,X.Q.LIand R.Smartt.
17. Nonlinear structures inself-gravitating disks,A&A,292(1994) 686;X.Q.LI , Zhang H.
18. Magnetic reconnection theory forcoronal loop interaction,A&A,290(1994)963;X.Q.LI,Z.D.Zhang and R.Smartt
19. Dynamics behavior of self-generatedmagnetic field,Phys. Plasmas 1 (9)(1994) 3008;X.Q.LI, Ma Y.H.
20. Formation of periodic galaxy peaksfrom primeval perturbations with resonance interaction,Science in China(series A),38(1995)82;X.Q.LI , Zhang H.
21. Nonlinear structures ofself-gravitating systems in stable modes,A&A,294(1995)339;T.X. Zhang ,X.Q.LI
22. Magnetic reconnection model for X-rayflare loop interaction,Astrophys. Space Sci. 226(1995)31;Z.D.Zhang,X.Q.LI
and R.Smartt
23. Self-similar collapse in nebular diskand the Titius-Bode law,Astron. Astrophys. 304(1995)617;X.Q.LI,Zhang H. and Q.B.Li
24. Hα filtergram observations of Ellermanbomb and its magnetic reconnection model,Astrophys.Space
Sci.229(1995)325;F.M.Hu,M.T.Song andX.Q.LI
25. Modulational instability ofself-generated magnetic fields,Solar Phys.169(1996)69 ;X.Q.LI, Zhang Z.D.
26. Perturbation spectrum of an expandingfluid with negligible initial power on small scales,Phys. Rev. D. 54 Num.8(1996)4744;Zhang H.,X.Q.LI and H.Q.Zhang
27. Magnetic reconnection by Langmuirsolitons,ApJ.479(1997) 1028;X.Q.LI, ZhangZ.D.
28. On the discrepancy of coronal magneticfields in solar optics and radio,Chinese Phys.Lett.14No.1(1997)77;Ma Yuehua ,X.Q.LI
29. Magnetic reconnection mechanism forType II white-light flares,A&A,320(1997)300;X.Q.LI,Song M.T.,Hu F.M. and Fang C.
30. An explanation on transientbrightening by magnetic reconnection theory,Solar Phys.173(1997) 103,Li B.Q.,X.Q.LI
and Ai G.X.
31. Collapse spectrum of cloud turbulence,A&A,327(1997) 333;X.Q.LI, Zhang H.
32. Cosmological primeval perturbationspectra in mildly non-linear regime,Astrophys. Space Sci.250(1997) 175;X.Q.LI
and Hang Zhang
33. Conditions lead to the self-similarpower spectrum,Phys.Rev.D.56No.10(1997)6125;Zhang H.,X.Q.LI
34. Self-generated inhomogeneous magneticfields in Auroral Zones with kilometric radiation,Astrophys.Space Sci.253(1997)253;X.Q.LI, Zhang Z.D.
35. N-soliton pattern in aself-gravitating fluid disk Phys.Rev.E. 57 No.1(1998)1114;Zhang H.,X.Q.LI and Ma Y.H.
36. Estimating horizontal electric currentin solar active regions,Solar Physics 182(1998),365-379;H.S.Ji,M.T.Song,X.Q.LI and F.M.Fu
37. Formating double layer mechanism byelectric charged particle stream in plasma,Acta PhysicaSinica(Overseas Edition)7No.8(1998),576-582;S.J.Ma,Q.L.Yang andX.Q.LI
38. Scaling argument for relativeamplitudes of galaxy and cluster correlations,ApJ,535(2000) 24;Zhang H. ,X.Q.LI
39. Self-generated magnetic field bytransverse plasmons in laser-produced plasma,Physics ofPlasmas,7(8),(2000) 3405;S.Q.Liu ,X.Q.LI
40. Numerical analysis of self-generatedmagnetic fields with very small scale in solar corona,A&A,364(2001)785;S.Q.Liu ,X.Q.LI
41. Investigation on intermittent magneticflux in the auroral zones with kilometer radiation (AKR),Physics of Plasmas,8(2),(2001)625;S.Q.Liu ,X.Q.LI
42. Current sheet formation in weaklyionized plasmas,Chinese Phys.Lett. 18(6),(2001)788;Ji H.S.X.Q.LI and Song M.T.
43. Numerical analysis of self-generatedmagnetic fields by transverse plasmons in laser-produced plasma,Journal of Plasma Physics,66 (2001),part 4,223;S.Q.Liu, X.Q.LI
44. The density cavitons generated byinteractions of plasma with moving body in its wake region in space,Journal of Plasma Physics,67(2002)205;S.J. Ma ,X.Q.LI
45. Acceleration of flare protons byLangmuir plasmons,Chinese Phys.Lett. 19(2),(2002)283;X.Q.LI, H.Zhang
46. Scaling law of exponents incosmological clustering,Chinese Phys.Lett. 19(2),(2002)280;H.Zhang ,X.Q.LI
47. Structures of magnetized thinaccretion disks,Science in China ( series A ),45(11),(2002)1487;32(10)(2002)945(ZhongguoKexue);X.Q.LI, H.S.Ji
48. Collapsed magnetic instability tosolar intermittent flux and anomalous viscosity in accretion disks,A&A,390( 2002)767,X.Q.LI ,H.Zhang
49. Magnetic viscosity by collapsing fluxcell,J.Plasma Phys.,62(2)(2002)149,X.Q.LI, H.Zhang
50. The interaction of plasma with thefield in the wake region of a moving body in space,Chin A Ap,27(3)(2003)252;Chin. A&A,27(3)(2003),T.P.Fu,X.Q.LI
51.Acceleration of energetic electrons bythe synchrotron radiation with Rayleigh-Jeans spectrum,Chin A Ap,27(2)(2003)133;Chin. A&A,27(2)(2003)133-139;Y.Liu ,X.Q.Li
52. Equilibrium Correlations in aClustering Universe,Chin Phys. Lett.,20(11)(2003)2088,H. Znang,X. Huangand X.Q.LI
53. Magnetic Instability of AccretionDisks with Anomalous Viscosity Chin Phys.Lett.,21(3)(2004)584,Zhou Ai-pingand X.Q. Li
54. Temperature distribution of thin magnetizedaccretion disk with anomalous viscosity,J.Plasma Phys.,70(5)(2004)583,A.P.Zhou ,X.Q.LI
55. Instability of anomalous viscositydisks around young stellar objects,J.Plasma Phys.,73(3)(2007)367,Z.R.YA ,X.Q.LI
56. Kinetic modeling of self-generatedmagnetic fields by transverse plasmons in the relativistic regime,Contributions to Plasma phys. 48(4)361,(2008),X.Q.LI,S.Q.Liu and X.Y.Tao
57. Gravitoelectromagnetic cavitons in thekinetic regime,Ann.phys.(Berlin)18(6),436(2009),X.Q.LI,S.Q.Liu and X.Y.Tao
58.RelativisticallyStrong LangmuirTurbulence in the Kinetic Regime, Phys. Plasmas, 18(2011) 082301, Liu X. L.,X.Q.Liand LiuS. Q.,
59. Modulation instability by intenselaserbeam in magnetized plasma. Optik, 122 (7)(2011), 599-603, Hua-Ying Chen,San-QiuLiu and X.Q.LI
60. Self-modulationinstability of an intenselaser beam in a magnetized pair plasma, Physica Scripta 83 (3)(2011)035502, Hua-Ying Chen, San-Qiu Liu and X.Q.Li..
61.Magneto-Modulational Instability inRelativistic Plasmas[J]. Contrib. PlasmaPhys., 51(1) (2011) 51-60, Liu Y, Liu SQ,and X.Q.LI
62. Fast magneticreconnection driven byponderomotive force in two-beam laser-solidinteractions, Phys. Plasmas18(2011)112109, S.Q Liu,X.S Yang andX.Q.Li
63. Modulation Instability of anIntenseLaser Beam in an Unmagnetized Plasma, Journal of the Koreanphysialsociety,59(4)(2011)2727, Liu S.Q., Tang W. andX.Q.Li
64.Kinetic description of the Langmuirsolitons in ultra-relativisticelectron-positron plasmas, Astrophys Space Sci.,339 (2012)275–281, Y. Liu,S.Q. Liu and X.Q. Li
65. Magneticfield induced by strongtransverse Plasmon in ultra-relativistic electron-positronplasmas, A&A544, A151(2012)1-11, Y. Liu,X.Q. Liand Liu S.Q.
66.Modulation instability of an intenselaser beam in anunmagnetized electron–positron–ion plasma, Pramana-journal ofphysics, 78(3)(2012) 439-449, Liu S.Q., Tang W. andX.Q.Li
67.Relativisticallymodulationalinstability by strong Langmuir waves, Phys. Plasmas19(2012)092101,X. L. Liu, S. Q. Liu, andX.Q. Li
68. Kinetic description of theLangmuir solitonsin ultra-relativistic electron-positron plasmas, Astrophys Space Sci., 339 (2012) 275–281,Y. Liu , S.Q. Liu andX.Q. Li
69. Anomalous gravitomagneticviscosity in accretion disks, Astrophys SpaceSci 342 (2012)457–464, S.Q.Liu, F.J. Lin, and X.Q.Li
70. Dust ion acoustic instabilitywith q-distributionin nonextensive statistics, Astrophys Space Sci. ,346(2013), 183-190, J.W.Dai,X.C.Chen and X.Q.Li
71. Anomalous magneticviscosity inrelativistic accretion disks, New Astronomy 21 (2013) 40–45, F.J. Lin,S.Q.Liu and X.Q. Li
72. Comment on “Plasma oscillationsand nonextensive statistics”, Phys.Rev. E 86 (2012) 068401, X.C.Chen and X.Q.Li
73. The full Zakharov equations innonextensiveq-plasma, Phys.Plasmas 21(2014),022306, Liu X. L. andX.Q. Li
74. Self-GeneratedMagnetic Fields inq-Distributed Plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 20, (2013) 022308,D. G. Li, S. Q. Liu andX.Q. Li
75.Generation and evolution of magnetic field in therelativistic plasmafollowing qnonextensive distribution,Phys. Plasmas 24, (2017)022120,F.J.Lin, Z.H. Chen,X.Q.Li, J.J. Liao and Y. Zhu
1. The winds of galactic nuclei, Studia Astronomical Sinica. No.1(1978)38-42; Chinese Astronomy (1979)174; X.Q.LI,et al.
2. Discrete space-time and red shifts of galaxies, Acta Astronomica Sinica. (1976)No.2,129-133; X.Q.LI.
3. A possible mechanism of non-resonant heating of the chromosphere-corona transition zone, Acta Astronomica Sinica(1979)No.3,281-288; Chinese Astrnomy (1980)279-288; X.Q.LI, et al.
4. Coronal Langmuir turbulence and the quasi-stable accelerating sources, Acta Astronomica Sinica (1980),No.1,20-26; Song, X.Q.LI
5. Scattering effects for turbulent plasma on X-ray spectra of objects, Acta Astrophysica Sinica (1981)No.4,301-310; Chinese Astron. Astrophys.(1981)469-475; X.Q.LI
6. On the distribution of matter within disk galaxies with finite thickness, Acta Astronomica Sinica (1978)No.2,182-187; Peng, Huang, X.Q.LI,et al.
7. Integral of Poisson's equation for finite thickness disks with Archimedes spirals, Studia Astronomica Sinica No.2,(1978); Peng,Huang, X.Q.LI,et al.
8. Acceleration of the solar wind by whistler waves from coronal holes, Chinese Astron.Astrophys.(1982)192-198; Zhang, Haung, X.Q.LI
9. Analysis of Dong-Tai meteorite, Acta Astronomica Sinica(1974)No.1, 93-97; Wang, X.Q.LI,et al.
10. The photoelectric observations for astroids, Acta Astronomica Sinica,(1964); Yang,Zhang, X.Q.LI
11. Lightcurves of variable astroids, Acta Astronomica Sinica(1981)No.2,169-173; Y.C. Zhang, Zhou, Yang, Zhang, X.Q.LI
12. Weak and strong turbulences in Plasma Astrophysics, Progress in Astronomy (Chinese Journal)(1984)No.4,283-309; X.Q.LI
13. Curvature radiation from cosmic monopole, Chinese Journal of Space Science (1985)161; X.Q.LI, et al.
14. Foke-Plance equations in charge particle-monopole system, Acta Astrophysica Sinica(1985)No.2,81-92; Song, X.Q.LI
15. Nonsteady interaction of plasma with bodies moving in space [2], Journal of Chinese Society of Astronautics No.3(1990),76-84; X.Q.LI
16. Strong turbulence in plasma astrophysics, Chinese Progress in Physics (1993)595-639; X.Q.LI
17. Dominating equations of non-steady interaction between moving bodies and plasma in compression region, Chinese Journal of Space ScienceNo.2 (1997),50-55; S.J.Ma, Q.L.Yang and X.q.Ll
18. The formation mechanism of double layer by stable current in plasma , Chinese Journal of Space Science No.2(1998),126-131; S.J.Ma, X.Q.Li Q.L.Yang, F.Q.Li and D.W.Zhou
19. New magnetic reconnection theory, Publications of PMO,No.3(1999),338; X.Q.Li and Z.D.Zhang
20. Magnetic collapsing instabilities and self-generated intermittent flux, Progress in Astronomy, 20(4)(2002)337; X.Q.Li
1. Galactic nuclei and its activity, invited report, The new advances of modern Astronomy(Chinese book, Science Press,1983); X.Q.LI
2. Turbulent plasma astrophysics, Science Yearbook, Part of Feature Articales, (special invited paper, 1989),2.8-2.13, Shanghai Science-Technology Press; X.Q.LI
3. Resistive and eruptive instabilities by ponderomotive force with high- frequency plasma oscillations, " Laboratory and space Plasma "(H.Kikuchi ed.) 239-265, Springer-verlag publishers, New York,1989; X.Q.LI and S.T.Wu
1. Self-generated magnetic fields in celestial bodies, Bull.Ame.Astron.Soc. (1986)No.3,852; X.Q.LI and S.T.Wu
2. Self-generated magnetic fields in galaxies, Proceeding of the third China-Japan workshop on galaxies (S.L.Cao ed.,1987)64; X.Q.LI
3. Proc. second symp. on plasma wave and plasma-metter interactions (1988)25; X.Q.LI and S.T.Wu
4. Interpretation of coronal loop interaction, Bull.Ame.Astron.Soc. (1992),681; R.N.Smartt,X.Q.LI and Z.D.Zhang
5. Model for solar flare loop interaction, Proc. first international conference on frontiers of physics , August 5-9,1995, Shantou, China; Z. Zhang and X.Q.LI
6. Strong turbulent in cosmic plasmas, Proceeding of the China-India workshop on High-energy astrophysics (1996, Nanjing); X.Q.LI
1. On gaseous solitons of a two component disks and explanation to the Titius-Bode rule, Nanjing University Journal(natural sciences) No.2(1978)7-14;X.Q.Li, et al.
2. The plasma in Astrophysics, Nanjing University Journal(natural sciences), No.3(1983)461-474; X.Q.LI
3. Self-generated magnetic fields by plasmons, Publication of Purple Mountain Observatory (1989)No.1,1-27; X.Q.LI
4. Large-scsle nonlinear structures in the Universe, Publication of Purple Mountain Observatory (1991)No.3,161-187; X.Q.LI.
5. The ponderomotive force with high-frequency plasma osillations and its effects, Publication of Purple Mountain Observatory (1990)No.2, 75-103; X.Q.LI
6. The rediation for relastivistic electron in curved magnetic field, Journal of Nanjing Normal University No.4, (1999)41; Wang Huiming and X.Q.Li
7. Study of the quasilinear interaction between the been of Ions and Ion-sound wave , Journal of Nanjing Normal University No.3,(2000)45; Hua Zheng-he and X.Q.Li
8. Radial distribution of temperature and velocity for pulsatile flow in rigid tubes, Journal of Nanjing Normal University No.1,(2001)69; Yao Li and X.Q.Li
9. Numerical solution of interaction between drift wave and electrons, Journal of Nanjing Normal University No.2,(2001)42; Hua Zheng-he and X.Q.Li
10. Self-generated intermittent magnetic flux and magnetic reconnection theory, in observation and study of celestial violent activities ( ed. Xiao and Fang ) , World Library Press Com., 265; X.Q.Li