功能很强大,B站 快手 抖音 直播软件大都以此为基础,进行二次开发,或深度借鉴OBS进行开发。
OBS很多函数 是以源id为参数的,
struct obs_source_info window_capture_info = {
.id = "window_capture",
.get_name = wc_getname,
.create = wc_create,
.destroy = wc_destroy,
.update = wc_update,
.video_render = wc_render,
.video_tick = wc_tick,
.get_width = wc_width,
.get_height = wc_height,
.get_defaults = wc_defaults,
.get_properties = wc_properties
ID name
image_source 图像
color_source 色源
slideshow 图像幻灯片放映
ffmpeg_source 媒体源
text_gdiplus 文本 (GDI+)
text_ft2_source 文本 (FreeType 2)
monitor_capture 显示器捕获
window_capture 窗口捕获
game_capture 游戏捕获
dshow_input 视频捕获设备
wasapi_input_capture 音频输入捕获
wasapi_output_capture 音频输出捕获
img_TransImg 透明图 —–自定义的
比如 右键 添加按钮,会添加各种源,所用的相关API接口如下:
* Enumerates all available inputs source types.
* Inputs are general source inputs (such as capture sources, device sources,
* etc).
EXPORT bool obs_enum_input_types(size_t idx, const char **id);
/** Returns the translated display name of a source */
EXPORT const char *obs_source_get_display_name(const char *id);
/** Returns capability flags of a source */
EXPORT uint32_t obs_source_get_output_flags(const obs_source_t *source);
/** Returns capability flags of a source type */
EXPORT uint32_t obs_get_source_output_flags(const char *id);
QMenu *OBSBasic::CreateAddSourcePopupMenu()
const char *type;
size_t idx = 0;
while (obs_enum_input_types(idx++, &type)) {
const char *name = obs_source_get_display_name(type);
uint32_t caps = obs_get_source_output_flags(type);
if (strcmp(type, "image_source") == 0 || strcmp(type, "monitor_capture") == 0 || strcmp(type, "dshow_input") == 0) //...
if ((caps & OBS_SOURCE_DEPRECATED) == 0) {
addSource(popup, type, name);
//addSource(popup, type, name);
else {
addSource(deprecated, type, name);
foundDeprecated = true;
foundValues = true;